Policy Manual
College ByLaws & NFA Contract
Policy Manual
- Policy 1-1-1: College Council & Policy and Procedure Development
- Policy 1-1-2: College Committee Nominations/Appointments
- Policy 1-1-3: Delegation of Signature Authority
- Policy 1-10-1: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program Policy
- Policy 1-10-2-1: Distribution of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program Policy
- Policy 1-10-2-2: Distribution of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program Procedures
- Policy 1-10-3-1: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program Biennial Review Policy
- Policy 1-10-3-2: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program Biennial Review Procedures
- Policy 1-2-1: Nevada Ethics in Government Law
- Policy 1-2-2: Fees for Public Records
- Policy 1-2-3: Political Activities Guidelines
- Policy 1-2-4: Political Activity for Public Employees
- Policy 1-2-5: Distinguished Visitors
- Policy 1-3-1: Campus Closure
- Policy 1-4-1: Charter School Statement
- Policy 1-5-1: Consensual Relationships
- Policy 1-6-1: Possession and Purchase of Alcoholic Beverages
- Policy 1-7-1: Behavioral Intervention Team
- Policy 1-8-1: Recognition of Campus Affiliated Clubs and Organizaitons
- Policy 1-9-1: Policy Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment; Complaint Procedure
- Policy 3-1-1: Conflict of Interest Pertaining to Sponsored Projects
- Policy 3-1-2: Electronic Device Usage
- Policy 3-2-1: Course Approval
- Policy 3-2-2: Course Numbering System
- Policy 3-2-3: Academic Faculty Workload
- Policy 3-2-4: Full-Time Teaching Faculty Job Description
- Policy 3-2-5: Students Taking Courses Taught By Immediate Family Members
- Policy 3-2-6: New Course/Program Development
- Policy 3-2-7: Sabbatical Leave
- Policy 3-2-8: Use of Copyrighted Materials Policy
- Policy 3-2-9: Online and Web-enhanced Course Compliance with Section 508 Web Standards/Accessible Technology
- Policy 3-2-10: WNC Textbook Policy
- Policy 3-2-11: Rules and Disciplinary Procedures for Faculty
- Policy 3-2-12: Academic Freedom and Academic Standards
- Policy 3-2-13: Academic Calendar proposal and adoption
- Policy 3-2-14: Faculty Verifying Student Attendance
- Policy 3-2-15: New Course Commissioning Policy
- Policy 3-3-10: Student Withdrawal Policy
- Policy 3-3-11: Digital Learning Policy
- Policy 3-3-12: Faculty Assigned Ws
- Policy 3-3-13: DSS Memory Aid Policy
- Policy 3-3-1: Cooperative Work Experience
- Policy 3-3-2: CTE College Credit
- Policy 3-3-3: Individualized Course
- Policy 3-3-4: Laboratory Protocol in the Sciences
- Policy 3-3-5: Challenge Examinations
- Policy 3-3-6: Grade Change
- Policy 3-3-7: Instructor Approval on Late Student Registration
- Policy 3-3-9: Community Education Program
- Policy 3-4-1: Admission, Registration, Grades, and Examinations
- Policy 3-4-2: Campus Plan For Admission, Recruitment, and Retention of Minority Students
- Policy 3-4-3: Even Exchange of Courses
- Policy 3-4-4: Student Conduct
- Policy 3-4-5: Academic Integrity
- Policy 3-5-1: Grade Appeal
- Policy 3-5-2: Student Grievance
- Policy 3-5-3: Academic Renewal Policy
- Policy 3-5-4: Repeat Adjustment Request
- Policy 3-5-5: Student Program Dismissal Procedures
- Policy 3-5-6: Policy on Registered Sex Offenders
- Policy 3-6-1: Export Control Policy
- Policy 3-7-1: Instructional Space Scheduling Policy
- Policy 3-8-1: The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Accessibility Policy
- Policy 3-8-2: LMS Application Intregration Policy
Section 4-1: General
- Policy 4-1-1: Credentials for Community College Faculty
- Policy 4-1-2: New Hire Mentors
- Policy 4-1-3: Nepotism
- Policy 4-1-4: Nevadas Whistleblower Law
- Policy 4-1-5: Jury Duty
- Policy 4-1-6: Intellectual Property Policy
- Policy 4-1-7: Intellectual Property Rights
- Policy 4-1-8: Background Check Policy for Academic and Administrative Faculty
- Policy 4-1-9: Procedures for the Protection of Children
Section 4-2: Affirmative Action
Section 4-3: Classified Employees
- Policy 4-3-1: Classified Staff of WNC
- Policy 4-3-2: Recruitment Guidelines for Classified Staff
- Policy 4-3-3: Reclassifying an Existing Classified Position Guidelines
- Policy 4-3-4: Classified Casual Labor Positions
- Policy 4-3-5: In-House Announcement of Classified Positions
- Policy 4-3-6: Classified to Administrative Faculty Position Change
- Policy 4-3-7: Overtime for Classified Staff
- Policy 4-3-8: Classified Tuition Reimbursement
- Policy 4-3-9: Classified Family Grant-in-Aid
Section 4-4: Professional Letter of Appointment Employees
- Policy 4-4-1: Part-Time Faculty Fee Waiver
- Policy 4-4-2: Workload for Part-Time Faculty
- Policy 4-4-3: Unauthorized Letters of Appointment
- Policy 4-4-4: Part Time Faculty Evaluation Guidelines
- Policy 4-4-5: Administrative Faculty Letter of Appointment Policy
Section 4-5: Professional A and B Contract Employees
- Sub-Section 4-5-1: General
- Policy 4-5-1-1: Recruitment and Interview Expense
- Policy 4-5-1-2: Hiring Academic and Administrative Faculty
- Policy 4-5-1-3: Internal Searches
- Policy 4-5-1-4: Emergency Appointment of Professional Staff
- Policy 4-5-1-5: Professional Leave
- Policy 4-5-1-6: Grant-In-Aid, Professional and Dependents
- Policy 4-5-1-7: Emeritus Status
- Policy 4-5-1-8: Professional Job Title Changes
- Policy 4-5-1-9: NSHE Board of Regents Policy For Compensated Outside Professional Services
- Sub-Section 4-5-2: A Contract Administrative Faculty
- Sub-Section 4-5-3: B Contract Academic Faculty
Section 4-6: Employee Assistance Program
- Policy 7-1-1: Contracts
- Policy 7-1-2: Compensation of School Districts for Use of Facilities
- Policy 7-2-1-1: Student Team or Group Travel
- Policy 7-2-1: Travel
- Policy 7-3-1 WNC Purchasing Procedures
- Policy 7-3-2: Bank Deposits
- Policy 7-3-3: Policy for Equipment Purchasing and Inventory Control
- Policy 7-3-4: Policy for Account Administration
- Policy 7-3-5: Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance
- Policy 7-4-1: Conflict of Interest
- Policy 7-4-2: Cell Phone Use
- Policy 7-4-3: Identity Theft Prevention Policy
- Policy 7-4-4: Use of land-line phones and verification of long distance charges
- Policy 7-5-1: Payment Plans
- Policy 7-5-2: Delinquent Accounts
- Policy 7-5-3: Late Registration Fee
- Policy 7-5-4: Fee Refund
- Policy 7-5-5: Institutional Student Fee Policy
- Policy 7-6-1: Computer Loan
- Policy 7-7-1: Grant Policy
- Policy 7-7-2: Institutional Sustainability Policy
- Policy 7-7-3: Trade-out Policy
- Policy 7-8-1: Audit Response Requirements
- Policy 8-1-2: Computing and Network Acceptable Use Policy
- Policy 8-1-3: Computing Workstation/Network Resources Use
- Policy 8-2-1: Computer Lab Use
- Policy 8-2-2: Computer Software
- Policy 8-2-3: Network Policy
- Policy 8-2-4: Network Password Policy
- Policy 8-2-6: Security Incident Response
- Policy 8-3-1: Email
- Policy 10-1-10: Pet Policy
- Policy 10-1-1: Public Safety
- Policy 10-1-2: Accident, Property Loss, Injury Reports
- Policy 10-1-3: Parking Regulations
- Policy 10-1-4: The USA Patriot Act
- Policy 10-1-5: Fingerprinting/Background Checks
- Policy 10-1-6: Video / Audio Surveillance and Security
- Policy 10-1-7: Emergency Notification of Students
- Policy 10-1-8: Possession of Dangerous Weapons on College Campuses
- Policy 10-1-9: Bias Incidents/Hate Crimes Policy
- Policy 10-2-1: Use of Prison Labor
- Policy 10-2-2: Crime Alert Policy
- Policy 10-2-3: Dealing with Suspicious Packages, Mail and Other Potentially Hazardous Items
- Policy 10-2-4-1: Jeanne Clery Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act Compliance Policy
- Policy 10-2-4-2: Jeanne Clery Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act Procedures
Section 11-1: General Environmental Health and Safety Policies
- Policy 11-1-1: Operational Mandate, Environmental Health and Safety
- Policy 11-1-2: Accident Investigation, Environmental Health and Safety
- Policy 11-1-3: Campus Emergency Notification Guidelines
- Policy 11-1-4: Record Keeping, Environmental Health and Safety Department
- Policy 11-1-5: Dealing with EH&S Regulatory Agency
Section 11-2: Emergency Procedures
- Policy 11-2-1: Emergency Preparedness, Operations, and Recovery
- Policy 11-2-2 Communicable Disease Plan
- Policy 11-2-3 Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan
Section 11-3: Specific Policies
- Policy 11-3-10: Hazardous Waste Management
- Policy 11-3-11: Hearing Conservation Program
- Policy 11-3-12: Hot Works Program Policy
- Policy 11-3-13: Indoor Air Quality Program
- Policy 11-3-14: Industrial And Vocational Shop First Aid Policy
- Policy 11-3-15: Tobacco Use Policy
- Policy 11-3-16: Volunteers in State Service
- Policy 11-3-17: Workers Compensation Program
- Policy 11-3-18: Hazard Communication Program
- Policy 11-3-1: Asbestos Management Program
- Policy 11-3-2: Biosafety Manual
- Policy 11-3-4: Chemical Hygiene Plan
- Policy 11-3-5: Confined Space Entry Procedure
- Policy 11-3-6: Contractors and Outside Agents Work Place Safety Policies
- Policy 11-3-7: Danger Lock and Tag Program
- Policy 11-3-8: Fire Prevention Plan
- Policy 11-3-9: Fire Protection System Impairment Policy
In accordance with institutional policy and the U.S. Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), Western Nevada College vigorously protects the privacy of student educational records. FERPA was enacted to protect the privacy of educational records and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data.
No one shall have access to, nor will WNC disclose any non-directory information from a student’s educational records without the written consent of the student except to:
a) School officials including college staff, student employees, volunteers, contractors, consultants, etc. performing an assigned college function, b) authorized representatives from federal and state agencies, c) officials of other institutions in which the student seeks to enroll, d) accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation functions, e) military recruiters as specified in the Soloman Amendment, f) a student serving on an official committee such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, g) persons in compliance with a judicial order, h) officials providing student financial aid, i) the audit firm retained by the Nevada System of Higher Education, j) the data warehouse for NSHE or designated institutional research personnel, k) a person or company with whom the institution has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using institutional employees or officials (such a as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent), and l) persons in an emergency to protect the health/and/or safety of students, or other persons. WNC does not release information to parents of students regardless of dependence status without prior written consent of the student. A student is defined as an individual who has applied to WNC and who is or has been in attendance at WNC.
The institution does not release the records of individual students, such as grades and class schedules, without prior written consent of the student. As permitted under federal law, an exception to the above practice is the release of “directory” information considered to be public in nature and not general deemed to be an invasion of privacy. At Western Nevada College, the following categories are defined as “directory” information: student name, address including city and state, telephone number, Email address, full-time/part-time status, graduation date, major/field of study, degrees, honors and awards received, dates of attendance and whether currently enrolled, most recent educational agency or institutions attended, weight and higher of members of athletic teams, and photographs from college sanctioned events.
Students have the right to request non-disclosure of directory information. If they do not restrict release of this information, the information may be released or disclosed. WNC assumes that failure to specifically request the withholding of directory information indicates individual approval for disclosure. Directory information may be provided for commercial purposes to businesses affiliated with the institution, honor societies, the alumni association and foundation, or other individuals for purposes that may be beneficial to students. WNC exercises discretion in responding to requests for directory information and may or may not provide such information when requested, depending on the intended purpose of the request. The institution does not sell or rent student information for a fee.
It is important for students to consider carefully the potential consequences of restricting the release of directory information. If a student restricts release for non-commercial purpose, the institution will be unable to place the student’s name in publications such as honors and graduation programs; to confirm graduation and dates of attendance to potential employers, to verify enrollment with organizations such as insurance companies; or to send notifications about specialized scholarships without the express written authorization of the student.
If, after due consideration, a student wishes to restrict the release of directory information, he/she may request this through myWNC or submit a Request for Confidential Status of Directory Information form and submit to Admissions and Records. A request for non-disclosure submitted to WNC or any NSHE institution will apply to all NSHE institutions. This directive will apply permanently to a student’s record, even after graduation, until the student reverses it by submitting a written authorization to Admissions and Records or changing the restriction in myWNC.
FERPA provides a student with the following rights:
1) The right to inspect and review information in his/her education records within 45 days of the day the institution receives a request for access.
WNC is not required to provide copies of such records to students
2) The right to seek to amend education records that the student believes to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA.
If a student disagrees with some information in his/her educational records, he/she may challenge that information. If the situation is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student may request a hearing. Contact Admissions and Records for additional information.
3) The right to provide written consent before the institution discloses personally identifiable information form the students’ educational records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
WNC Protects Student Privacy
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects student privacy. Personally identifiable information is not released without student consent and signature. To review or pick up academic records in person, a valid government or WNC issued photo ID that includes signature is mandatory. The college’s registration system requires students to create a password to access their WNC account. The password is considered the equivalent of a signature.
Student Right to Inspect Records
Students have a right to inspect and review information in his/her education records, the right to seek to amend education records, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of information from education records. WNC is not required to provide copies of such records to students. If a student disagrees with some information in his/her educational records, he/she may challenge that information. If the situation is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student may request a hearing. If the student disagrees with the results of that hearing, he/she may submit explanation statements for inclusions in his/her file. Contact Admissions and Records for additional information.
Western Nevada College allows any adult who can benefit from instruction to enroll, regardless of residency status. Although the tuition and fees will vary depending on residency status, all adults are welcome to attend Western Nevada College.
Admissions and Records staff is available to assist students with residency regulations and to answer any residency questions. Please call 775-445-3277 for assistance.
A students residency status for fee/tuition purposes is determined at the time of initial application to the college. An initial determination of non-resident status does not change unless or until the student applies for and is approved for in state residency.
There are a number of factors used to determine residency. In most cases, an individual who is financially independent must reside in Nevada as a bona fide resident (definition below) for a minimum of 12 consecutive months prior to the date of matriculation (the beginning date of the first semester of enrollment) to be considered a Nevada resident for tuition purposes. The individual must also be a U.S. citizen or hold a Permanent Resident card or a visa which is approved for NSHE residency consideration. For a financially dependent student, the students spouse, family, or legal guardian must be a bona fide legal resident of the state of Nevada for at least twelve consecutive months prior to the date of matriculation and must be a U.S. citizen or hold a Permanent Resident card or approved visa.
There are exceptions which allow some individuals who do not meet the 12 month requirement to obtain residency. Some of the exceptions include:
- A graduate or current enrollee of a Nevada high school.
- A financially independent individual who has relocated to Nevada for the primary purpose of permanent full-time employment.
- A financially dependent individual whose spouse, family, or legal guardian has relocated to Nevada for the primary purpose of permanent full-time employment.
- Licensed educational personnel employed full-time by a public school district in the state of Nevada, or the spouse or dependent child of such an employee.
- A member of a federally recognized Native American tribe who currently resides on tribal lands located wholly or partially within the boundaries of the state of Nevada.
- Active duty resident military stationed in Nevada or spouse.
- Marines currently stationed at the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center at Pickel Meadows, CA or spouse.
- A veteran of the Armed Forces of the United State who was honorably discharged while stationed in Nevada or Pickel Meadows.
- A veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States who was honorably discharged within five years immediately preceding the date of matriculation of the veteran.
- Veterans, spouses, dependents and others using veteran benefits may qualify for an exception.
Bona Fide Nevada Resident
A bona fide Nevada resident is defined as an independent person who has continuous physical presence in the state of Nevada for a minimum of 12 consecutive months prior to matriculation, having clearly abandoned any former residence and who has no ties to any other state and who has the intent to permanently reside in the state of Nevada. In general, an individual is expected to surrender his/her drivers license or state ID card from his/her previous state and obtain a Nevada drivers license (as required by Nevada law) or state ID card within 30 days of moving to Nevada to be considered a bona fide resident. For a dependent person, the family, spouse or legal guardian must have physical presence in the state of Nevada for a minimum of 12 consecutive months prior to the students matriculation with no ties to any other state, with the intent to permanently reside in Nevada.
Dependent and Family
A dependent is defined as a person who is not financially independent and is claimed as an exemption for federal income tax purposes under Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code by another person for the most recent year. Family is defined as natural or legally adoptive parent(s) of a dependent person, or if one parent has legal custody of a dependent person, that parent.
Date of Matriculation
Date of matriculation is the first day of instruction in the semester or term in which enrollment of a student first occurs (excluding community education courses). This is applicable regardless of the actual start date of a course a student enrolls in. A student has matriculated if he/she enrolls for a course and does not withdraw before the 100% refund period or has a record of previous enrollment at Western Nevada College.
A student who does not meet the criteria for Nevada bona fide residency or a residency exception is considered a nonresident and must pay nonresident fees.
Residency Audit
The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) requires WNC to randomly select 10% of all newly admitted students who were initially classified as Nevada residents to ensure that their residency determinations are accurate. Students selected for an audit will be notified by email and required to submit a Residency application with required documentation.
A student who has been classified as a non-resident who matriculated to WNC shall continue to be classified as a nonresident student throughout the students enrollment, unless and until the student demonstrates that his or her previous residence has been abandoned and that student is a bona fide Nevada resident. A student must fill out a Residency Application using category 3 and provide documentation of:
- Continuous physical presence as a Nevada resident for at least 12 months immediately prior to the date of the application for reclassification, and
- Evidence of intent to remain a Nevada resident, and
- Proof of independent/dependent status. For a dependent student, documentation of Nevada residency for the students family, spouse, or legal guardian must be provided. If the family, spouse or legal guardian of a dependent student is not a bona fide Nevada resident, the student will continue to be classified as a nonresident student.
When a student has been reclassified to resident student status, the reclassification shall become effective at the registration immediately following the reclassification decision. No reclassification under these regulations shall give rise to any claim for refund of tuition already paid or owed from a previous semester.
WUE Students
WUE is the Western Undergraduate Exchange, a program coordinated by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). Through WUE, students from participating western states may apply to enroll in college programs at a reduced tuition level of 150 percent of the institutions regular resident tuition. The following states participate in WUE: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands.
New students who have not matriculated to WNC may apply for WUE status. To qualify a student must have maintained a legal bona fide resident status in an approved WUE state for at least twelve months prior to the first day of the semester of application. An applicant must also be a U.S. citizen or Resident Alien.
Students who have initially attended an NSHE institution under the WICHE WUE program shall not be reclassified as an in-state resident student until the student disenrolls from the WICHE WUE program and pays full nonresident tuition for at least 12 months. A Residency application using category 3 must be submitted.
Additional Information
All residency regulations are subject to change by the Board of Regents. Changes become effective immediately upon such approval for all students. Regulations for determining Nevada residency for tuition charges are outlined in the Board of Regents handbook, Title 4, Chapter 15.
If you are a new student who has not yet matriculated and believe your residency status has been classified incorrectly, you may submit the Residency Application using category 1 or 2 with appropriate documentation to WNC Admissions and Records.
If you would like to be considered for reclassification from a nonresident to a resident, submit the Residency Application using category 3 to Admissions and Records.
If you are a veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States or a spouse or dependent of a veteran and wish to have your residency status changed, review the Veterans, Spouses and Dependents: Information Request Form for Determination of Tuition Charges and submit with documentation if applicable.
If you have any questions about residency please call Admissions and Records at 775-445-3277.
The Western Nevada College’s Internship Program seeks to establish a mutually beneficial relationship between students, employers, and the college. Although the site supervisor in involved in the internship experience, the intern will be directly supervised by the Faculty Internship Coordinator. The responsibilities of each participant are:
Intern – Before you begin the Internship:
- Secure the internship and discuss your plans with your faculty internship coordinator
- Inform the site supervisor of the start and end dates of the internship and of any academic requirements that might require absence from work
- Complete the internship application process to ensure proper academic registration of the internship
- Complete and verify registration.
Intern – During the internship:
- Report to the work site as scheduled and on time
- Meet weekly with faculty internship coordinator
- Meet all assignments with accuracy and diligence
- Maintain good communication with the site supervisor
- Complete 45 hours for each semester hour registered with WNC and report hours to faculty internship coordinator
- Immediately inform your faculty coordinator if your site supervisor changes or if you run into any problems
- Complete and submit all course assignments to the faculty coordinator by the assigned due date(s) (Construction students will complete the online Canvas course)
Intern – Upon Completion of the internship:
- Complete the Student Evaluation of Internship form.
Faculty Internship Coordinator:
- Determine if the student intern meets qualifications for an internship
- In consultation with the student, based on the specific internship, determines additional learning objectives in addition to standard course learning objectives.
- Assign required assignments.
- Visit the internship work site during the semester to meet with the supervisor and the intern
- Read, evaluate, and grade the intern’s assignments and final paper and submit the internship grades on time. Grading for the construction program internships will be on the regular grading scale (A,B,C,D,F).
- Be available to help the student develop the internship, provide networking ideas, assist in creating resumes and cover letters, and provide instruction on interviewing
- Review and approve student internship.
- Notify academic division office of the approved internship and request course be put on schedule.
Site Supervisor:
- Help in the creation of and then approve the student’s learning objectives
- Supervise and be responsible for the student during the internship
- Assign challenging tasks and projects that will promote the achievement of the student’s learning objectives
- Provide constructive feedback, positive and negative, to the intern on a regular basis
- Complete the final online evaluation of the intern. Instructions will be provided in an email sent near the end of the semester.
- Allow time for a ½ hour work site visit, in which you (the site supervisor), the intern, and the faculty coordinator will assess the internship.