Policy: Policy 10-1-10: Pet Policy Date Adopted: Dec 07, 2010
Department: Public Safety Contact: Director
Statement: The control of pets at WNC campuses is necessary for the safety, and both the mental and physical health of all students, personnel, and visitors. This policy identifies the restrictions on pets on WNC campuses as well as the responsibilities of pet owners. Cruelty to animals Nevada revised statutes Pet feces Unattended vehicles Vicious animals

Table of Contents:

  1. Scope
  2. Purpose
  3. Responsibilities
  4. Enforcement

Section 1: Scope

  1. This policy applies to all WNC-owned campuses and buildings and shall apply to other buildings and schools where WNC operates unless that building or school has a differing pet policy.
  2. This policy applies to all pets including mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles.
  3. This policy shall not apply to service animals. WNCs Service Animal Policy is 13-2-2.
  4. The WNC President is authorized to designate on our campuses the time and place for pet events or to approve the use of pets in an academic setting.

Section 2: Purpose

  1. At WNC it is not permissible to bring your pet into a building unless it is a service animal (see WNC policy 13-2-2). Some members of the campus community are allergic to animal fur or dander, fearful of pets, or feel that pets are an unnecessary distraction in a learning setting. Please be courteous and leave your pets at home.

Section 3: Responsibilities

  1. The following requirements apply to pet owners:
    1. The Nevada revised statutes include a number of laws concerning animals and pets which apply to all WNC locations. They include:
      1. NRS 574.055 Cruelty to animals
      2. NRS 574.195 Unattended vehicles (dog or cat)
      3. NRS 574.500 Dangerous or vicious dog
      4. NRS 575.020 Allowing a vicious dog to run or escape
    2. In addition, local animal control laws apply at WNC based on the city or county of the campus location.
    3. Pets at WNC campuses are not allowed in buildings or within the fenced areas of athletic fields.
    4. Pets shall not be brought within twenty (20) feet of a buildings exterior doors.
    5. When on campus pet owners shall:
      1. Keep their pet(s) attended and under control at all times. Dog(s) shall be on a six foot or shorter leash or caged.
      2. Clean-up their pets feces and dispose of it in an outside trash containers or take the feces with them.
      3. Be responsible for injury, sickness or damage caused by their pet(s).
      4. Abide by the above rules, it may be necessary after one or more documented violation(s) to ban a pet from WNC campuses.
  2. Enforcement of this policy shall be by WNCs Public Safety Department.

Section 4: Enforcement

  1. WNC Public Safety shall be the focal point for enforcement of this policy. WNC Public Safety shall interface with both state and local animal entities as necessary to insure policy compliance and the health and safety of both pets and all members of the college community.

Date(s) Revised   Date(s) Reviewed  

NSHE Code(s)   NRS Code(s) 574.055; 574.195; 574.500; 575.020 NAC Code(s)  
Code Statement  
*Please note: that not all WNC Policies will be referenced in these documents.
WNC ByLaws
NSHE Board of Regents Handbook
Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS)
Nevada Administrative Code (NAC)