
The mission of Institutional Research and Effectiveness at Western Nevada College is to foster a culture of evidence by facilitating the management, analysis, reporting and use of data and information in support of students, planning, assessment and decision-making.

Main Activities

  • Support institutional efforts in strategic planning and assessing institutional effectiveness.
  • Support completion of institutional accreditation requirements and expectations.
  • Support academic programs and student services departments and functions in assessing, improving and reporting on the effectiveness of their programs.
  • Serve as an official data provider to the state of Nevada, the federal government and other external entities.
  • Administer student satisfaction and alumni surveys and internal surveys on satisfaction with services and programs.
  • Conduct special analyses on issues of importance to the college community.
  • Serve as WNCs central point of contact for institutional data requests.

External Resources


Nevada Resources


Other Resources

Links to external websites are provided for your benefit and are not official WNC content.