Fee Information
E-mail communications are sent to students throughout the registration period. It is student's responsibility to verify charges on their myWNC Student Center account and meet semester deadlines. Students who do not pay 100% of charges due by published deadlines may be removed from 100% of their classes.
Financial Assistance Office Student Financial ServicesNet Price Calculator
Fall 2024/Spring 2025 Fees
Lower-Division | Upper Division | |
Registration Fees | $123.75 per credit | $203.00 per credit |
Technology Fees | $8.50 per credit | $8.50 per credit |
Academic Success Fee | $25 Flat Fee |
Summer 2025 Fees
Lower Division | Upper Division | |
Registration Fees | $130.00 per credit | $211.50 per credit |
Technology Fees | $8.50 per credit | $8.50 per credit |
Academic Success Fee | $25 Flat Fee |
High School Dual Enrollment Fees (Fall 2024/Spring 2025)
For the purpose of this section, the term:
- "Concurrent enrollment" means a postsecondary course taught at a high school by a high school instructor mutually agreed upon by the NSHE institution and high school.
- "Dual enrollment" means a postsecondary course taught by an NSHE instructor on the high school campus or NSHE campus through a formally established dual enrollment program.
Concurrent enrollment courses
$75 per course
no additional student or course fees
Dual enrollment courses
$85 per credit
add tech fee and special course fees (lab fees)
Dual enrollment courses where student qualifies for reduced or free lunch (confirmed
by school counselor)
$58 per credit
add tech fee and special course fees (lab fees)
Application fee of $15 is waived for all students meeting one of these criteria. |
Additional Fees May be assessed as follows:
Lower-Division | Upper Division | |
Non-Resident, part-time | $136.25 per credit | $223.25 per credit |
Non-Resident, full-time (7 credits or more) | $4333.00 flat fee for lower or upper division | |
Non-Resident, WUE | $62.00 per credit | $101.50 per credit |
Non-Resident, Distance Ed Only | $62.00 per credit | $101.50 per credit |
- Fees, tuition and other charges are subject to change without notice. Notwithstanding currently posted tuition and fees, all fees, tuition or other charges which students are required to pay each semester are subject to increase by action of the Board of Regents at any time before the commencement of classes (primarily due to budgetary shortfalls). The amount a student is charged at the time of registration is not a final bill and may be increased.
- Students are responsible for all costs associated with registration, regardless of any communication that may or may not have been received, and regardless of attendance or class participation, unless classes are dropped within the 100 percent refund period.
Registration and Technology fees
Registration and technology fees are applied to all credit classes. The fees to audit are the same as the fee to register for credit. The technology fee is used to fund technology needs in computing, information delivery systems and enables WNC to stay abreast of the latest technological developments.
Academic Success Initiative Fee
Promotes initiatives to enhance student academic success. This $25 flat fee is charged to all students who enroll in one unit or more.
Non-Resident Fees
Students who are classified as non-resident for tuition purposes will pay an additional per unit fee if enrolled for less than 7 credits, or an additional flat fee if enrolled in 7 credits or more during the fall and spring semesters. Non-resident fees are not assessed during summer semesters.
Non-Resident Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)
Through the Western Undergraduate Exchange program, students who are bona fide residents of WUE approved states may enroll at a non-resident reduced tuition level of 150 percent of the college's regular resident tuition. Students must apply for WUE status prior to the start of their first semester (matriculation) at WNC and be approved for the reduced non-resident rate.
Non-Resident: Distance Education Only
Students classified as out of state residents and enroll exclusively in distance education classes (internet) and reside outside of Nevada during the same semester are charged an additional per unit distance education fee.
High School Enrollment
Nevada high school students enrolled at WNC in fall or spring semesters do not pay typical registration fees and can attend for a discounted rate. Please see the High School Enrollment section above for rate information. See a high school or WNC counselor for details.
Application Fee
All new students who apply for admission are charged a one-time $15 fee when they register for classes. This fee is not deferrable or refundable even if classes are full, dropped, or cancelled.
Late Registration Fee
Students who register for a full-term class after the second week of the semester must submit a Late Registration form with the instructors permission through the fourth week of the semester. If enrollment is approved a late registration fee of $25 will be assessed. Late enrollment in short-term classes is also subject to a late registration fee.
Late Payment Fee
Any student with a past due balance may be subject to late payment fees. Delinquent accounts are assessed a monthly fee of $10 or 10% of the balance, whichever is greater.
Lab Fee
A lab fee is charged for most laboratory classes and many other classes that require art supplies or other items.
Computer Lab Usage Fee
A $10 per unit fee is charged for classes meeting in a computer lab to cover additional technology costs.
Web-Enhanced & Online Course Fees
A $5 web fee is charged for all Web-enhanced classes and a $5 per unit online class fee is charged for all web-based and lecture-captured classes to cover additional technology costs.
Interactive Video Course Fee
A lab fee of $20 per unit is charged for receiving sites for interactive video distance education classes to cover technology costs.
Nursing Differential Fee
Students in the nursing program will be charged a differential fee of $120 per credit for all nursing courses (excluding NURS 130).
Application for Graduation Fee
A $25 fee is charged to apply for graduation. This fee is non-refundable even if a student does not fulfill graduation requirements.
Predictable Pricing
Below is the tuition and registration fees for the next four academic years.
2024-25 |
2025-26 |
2026-27 |
2027-28 | |
Lower Division (per credit) | $123.75 | $127.00 | $133.50 | $138.75 |
Fall & Spring (30 credits) | $3,712.50 | $3,810.00 | $4,005.00 | $4,162.50 |
Upper Division (per credit) | $203.00 | $208.50 | $219.25 | $228.00 |
Fall & Spring (30 credits) | $6,090.00 | $6,255.00 | $6,577.50 | $6,840.00 |
Additional Fees may apply. Including, but not limited to: technology fee & special course fees associated with individual courses | ||||
Rates are assessed in addition to registration fees | ||||
2024-25 |
2025-26 |
2026-27 |
2027-28 | |
Full-time* | $8,666.00 | $8,900.00 | $9,363.00 | $9,738 |
* Full-time non-resident tuition rates are assessed to students enrolled in 7 or more credits. | ||||
Part-time* Lower Division (per credit) | $136.25 | $139.75 | $146.75 | $152.75 |
Part-time* Upper Division (per credit) | $223.25 | $229.25 | $241.25 | $250.75 |
* Part-time non-resident tuition rates are assessed to students enrolled in fewer than 7 credits | ||||
Rates are assessed in addition to registration fees | ||||
2024-25 |
2025-26 |
2026-27 |
2027-28 | |
Lower Division* (per credit) | $62.00 | $63.50 | $66.75 | $69.50 |
Upper Division* (per credit) | $101.50 | $104.25 | $109.75 | $114.00 |
* Assessed only to non-resident students who are residing outside of Nevada during the semester in which enrollment in the distance education course(s) occurs. |
High School Dual Enrollment Fees
Concurrent Enrollment Registration Fees | ||||
2024-25 |
2025-26 |
2026-27 |
2027-28 | |
Per course | $75.00 | $100.00 | $110.00 | $114.50 |
* No additional student and/or special course fees will be assessed. |
Dual Enrollment Registration Fees | ||||
2024-25 |
2025-26 |
2026-27 |
2027-28 | |
Per credit | $85.00 | $87.50 | $92.00 | $95.75 |
* Additional fees include: technology fee & special course fees associated with individual courses |
Dual Enrollment Registration Fees and Reduced Lunch Qualifying Students | ||||
2024-25 |
2025-26 |
2026-27 |
2027-28 | |
Per credit | $58.00 | $59.50 | $62.50 | $65.00 |
* Additional fees include: technology fee & special course fees associated with individual courses |
Fee Payment Deadlines
Fees must be paid by deadlines listed under Dates and Deadlines.
Paying by Internet
Pay fees with Visa, MasterCard, or Discover through the Internet via myWNC. Students should be sure to verify their account balance after submitting their request.
Paying in Person
Students may pay in-person at the Fallon or Carson City Cashier's Office by cash, check or card.
Paying by Mail
Make checks payable to Board of Regents. Indicate the student ID number and mail to:
Western Nevada College
Attn: Controller’s Office
2201 West College Parkway
Carson City, NV 89703-7399
Agency Fee Payment
Students must submit the authorization for third party payment to the Cashier's Office by the published fee due dates. Authorizations may be brought in to the Office, faxed to 775-445-3027, or emailed to cashier@wnc.edu.
Late Registration Fee
A $25.00 late payment fee will be assessed to students who register or add classes during the late registration period. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of important semester dates and deadlines, including registration, refund and fee payment deadlines.
Payment Plans
WNC offers a three-payment or two-payment plan for any student who is enrolled in the fall and/or spring semester. Students should make payment plan arrangements before making any payments on their account each semester.
3-Pay Plan: This plan is available no later than the first payment deadline for the semester and divides the balance owed into three equal installments.
2-Pay Plan: This plan is available no later than the second payment deadline for the semester and divides the balance owed into two equal installments.
Students must sign up for the payment plans and make their first full payment by the
payment deadlines. To learn how to sign up for a payment plan click here.
Payment Plan Notes:
- Enrollment may be cancelled if 100% of the first payment is not made by the published deadlines.
- Students who do not make the second and/or third payment on a payment plan by the published deadlines will be assessed a fee of $10 or 10% of the balance, whichever is greater, and will be responsible for the unpaid plan balance.
Delinquent Accounts
Account holds
Student accounts owing more than $200 will be placed on financial hold. Students on hold may not register for classes at any NSHE Institution until the account has been paid in full.
Enrollment Cancellation
Students who have not paid the required amount by the published due date for the term may have their enrollment cancelled and will be dropped from their classes. Students may re-enroll themselves, but the past due fees must be paid in full at the time of re-enrollment.
Late Fees
A monthly fee of 10% of the past due balance, or $10 minimum, will be assessed to all students with an unpaid balance.
Student accounts owing a balance more than $200 may have their account forwarded to a collection agency after 120 days. Collection or legal fees may be assessed.
WNC will not accept postdated or altered checks.
A $25 insufficient funds fee will be assessed for any payment returned as unpaid by the bank for any reason.
Returned checks must be made good within ten days of the bank's notification (cash, cashiers check, or money order only) or the college will begin collections procedures.
Non Refundable Fees
- The application fee is not refundable and cannot be transferred to another person or to another fee.
Standard Semester Refunds
Note: The standard semester is 16 weeks for the fall and spring semesters and eight weeks for the summer semester. The standard semester dates are published in the Academic Calendar section of the WNC website.
Refund of fees for withdrawal from WNC full-term & open-entry classes that meet during standard semester dates is:
- 100% if withdrawal is completed within the first week* of instruction.
- 50% if withdrawal is completed by the end of the third week of the semester.
* The first week of instruction ends on the Saturday following the first day of the semester. If a semester starts on Tuesday, the first week of instruction ends on the following Monday. For posted deadlines regarding drop dates visit the Academic Calendar.
Non Standard Semester Refunds
Note: Classes scheduled outside of the standard term, starting earlier and/or after the start of the semester, DO NOT follow standard term refund rules.
- For non-standard semester classes that are 5 days or longer, refund of fees is 100% if withdrawal is complete no later than the first date of class and 50% if withdrawal is complete after the first day and within the first 20% of the class.
- For non-standard semester classes that meet less than five days, refund of fees is 100% if withdrawal is prior to the first day of class.
Withdrawal after 100% Refund Periods
- Classes dropped by the student after the 100% refund period will remain on a student transcript with a grade of "W".
- A "W" grade does not affect grade point average but may affect financial aid and scholarship eligibility.
Fee Refunds
- Refund checks for dropped classes are prepared and mailed or sent by e-check weekly starting the third week of the semester.
- Students who pay by credit card in myWNC will have a refund applied to their credit card.
- Refunds are made to the student or to the contributing party (third party) in proportion to the payment of original fees made by each.
- Refunds after published deadlines will not be considered for reasons which are beyond the control of the college. Not attending college, job transfers, changes in work schedule, relocation, etc., will not be considered grounds for refund appeals.
Refund Appeals
Refund appeals with verifiable evidence may be granted during the first half of the semester for the following reasons:
- induction or activation into the armed forces;
- death of the student's spouse, child, parent or legal guardian;
- death of the student;
- verifiable error on the part of the college;
- verifiable incapacity, illness or injury which prevents the student from returning to school for the remainder of the semester.
An appeal is made by submission of the Refund Exception Form.
Refund Request Due to Exceptional Circumstances
Note: A change in instructional mode before the start of the class or at any time during the duration of the class does not constitute grounds for a refund.
In general, no refund is made after the first half of the semester.
Direct Deposit of Student Refund Checks
The Controllers Office offers direct deposit as a more convenient means of providing refund/overage checks to students. Instead of mailing a check, funds are deposited directly into the student's checking account. Sign up online at myWNC.edu in the finance section of the myWNC Student Center.
Contact Us
Admissions Office
Bristlecone Building, Room 101
2201 West College Parkway, Carson City, NV 89703
Second and final payment due for 2-pay plan; after this date unpaid balance......
Stargazing at the Jack C Davis Observatory, open to the community. ...