Policy 7-7-2: Institutional Sustainability Policy
Policy: | Policy 7-7-2: Institutional Sustainability Policy | Date Adopted: | ||
Department: | Finance & Administration | Date(s) Reviewed and/or Revised: |
March 14, 2025; October 6, 2009; September 2, 2008 | |
Contact: | Chief Financial Officer | |||
Statement: | Consistent with the Nevada System of Higher Education's policy, Western Nevada College's students, faculty and staff are committed to the development and continuation of a healthy and safe living/learning environment; one in which the college strives to maximize strategies that protect the Sierra Nevada region, and to foster sustainability in its decisions and operations. Achievement of this commitment will enable us to meet the needs of the present without limiting the capabilities of future members of the greater WNC community to meet their own needs. |
Section 1: Policy Goals
- WNC bases the attainment of this goal on proactive and rational decisions and programming
in any or all of the following areas:
- Planning, construction, renovation, maintenance and operation of all campus facilities, including the application of the LEED certification system when applicable to any future construction.
- Development of policies and programs that promote the preservation of natural habitat that serves as the locations for all college service centers.
- Promotion of the effective and efficient use of energy and water resources.
- Promotion and enhancement of current and new college recycling initiatives.
- Support the development and use of alternative transportation systems in the greater Carson City region.
- This stance is based on the following NSHE Board of Regents Energy and Sustainability
Policy (Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 10, Section 29, adopted in August
- The Board of Regents is committed to protecting the environment, reducing the Systems
dependence on non-renewable energy sources, and promoting the construction, maintenance,
and renovation of buildings that are environmentally responsible, economically feasible
and healthy spaces to work and live. Therefore, the Chancellor shall develop procedures
and guidelines applicable to NSHE institutions that will address matters including,
but not limited to:
- Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green building rating system or an equivalent standard adopted by the director of the Office of Energy;
- Energy and water conservation including the minimized use of nonrenewable energy sources and the use of local renewable energy sources; and
- Alternative methods of transportation.
- The procedure and guidelines developed under Subsection 1 must be approved by the Board of Regents.
- The Board of Regents is committed to protecting the environment, reducing the Systems
dependence on non-renewable energy sources, and promoting the construction, maintenance,
and renovation of buildings that are environmentally responsible, economically feasible
and healthy spaces to work and live. Therefore, the Chancellor shall develop procedures
and guidelines applicable to NSHE institutions that will address matters including,
but not limited to:
Section 2: Institutional Procedures and Guidelines
WNCs commitment to sustainability focuses on the following areas:
- Construction of New and Renovation of Existing Facilities
- New construction using the nationally recognized U.S. Green Building Councils Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification standards, WNC commits that any new campus construction plans will include requirements that designers and contractors acquire points for adherence to renewable energy installations, use of recycled and/or local construction materials, and energy conservation designs. To ensure that the lifetime cost of new facilities is cost effective, construction of all new facilities at WNC shall be at least LEED Certified; the goal is to obtain LEED Silver or Gold certification when funding permits.
- Major (greater than 20,000 sq. ft.) reconstruction and renovation: WNC commits to the application of LEED certification principles in all existing structure renovations and seeks to attain LEED-EB certification for construction when funding permits.
- In either of these areas, specific measures and strategies must be described in the projects programming phase. If it is determined that the project cannot meet the requirements of the policy, the reasons must be documented in the project program and presented to the college for review and concurrence prior to the schematic design phase.
- Energy Efficiencies WNC conducts an ongoing assessment of all energy use. As a result,
the following activities and programs are in place:
- Adherence to State Administrative Manual 1028.0 requirements and temperature settings for energy efficient state buildings.
- HVAC DDC management for HVAC systems on all campuses; controls temperatures for all facilities based on time of day and occupancy.
- Lighting replacement of all HID lighting and florescent lighting to LED lighting; as appropriate, and as funding is available
- Water low flush urinals and toilets installed in all campus facilities; irrigation controls installed to monitor the schedule for watering; related efforts will continue to reduce use of water
- Equipment and Appliance Replacement: as equipment and appliances are replaced (either by purchase or donation), UL approved and EnergyStar rated replacements are required.
- Purchasing of Goods and Services
- Goods and services: in cases where environmentally friendly products and services are available at or near cost-competitive rates, college purchasers will opt for the environmentally friendly product or service. The college also pursues involvement with organizations and corporations that actively support and apply sustainability principles to their daily operations (i.e., Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, Follett Higher Education Group, etc.).
- Transportation
- Jump Around Carson (JAC) Bus Service and WNC works closely with the Carson City Transportation Services to promote and increase the accessibility of public transportation to the Carson Campus. This initiative includes the development and distribution of advertising materials, notices, and posters promoting use of the service, the development of a discounted pass program for students, as well as the sale of these passes on campus. This service provides coverage to all of Carson City.
- Ride Sharing: Car-pooling is promoted through individual class and curriculum groups.
- Bicycle racks: Working with Muscle Power, a local not-for-profit health and wellness organization, the college promotes the installation of bicycle racks for use by all members of the community.
- Alternative Vehicles: Facilities use of golf carts on both the Carson and Fallon campuses; motor pool has replaced old model motor vehicles with E85 vehicles; and as additional funds become available, hybrid vehicles can be purchased.
- Recycling
- WNC currently contracts with Waste Management, Inc. (Carson City) for the recycling of cardboard and printer paper.
- In addition, e-wastes (computers, monitors, printers, and other electronic equipment) are transported to Business Center North for disposal by University of Nevada Reno through their recycling program.
- Batteries are recycled through various local vendors based on type.
- Facilities Services contracts with a vendor to recycle all toner and ink cartridges for reuse.
- Industrial products, such as oils, solvents, antifreeze, and metals, are recycled through various local vendors.