Policy: Policy 3-2-7: Sabbatical Leave Date Adopted: Jan 23, 2007  
Department: Academic & Student Affairs Date(s) Reviewed and/or Revised:

June 19, 2013; September 2, 2008
Contact:  Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
Statement: It shall be the policy of WNC to award sabbatical leave to eligible academic faculty.


Section 1: Definition

  1. Sabbatical leaves offer academic faculty the opportunity for professional growth and academic achievement through research, writing, curriculum or program development, work experience, artistic creation, or a project directly related to their responsibilities in the college. (Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 3, Section 15.)

Section 2: Request

  1. Any faculty member who has served full-time for six or more years at WNC without a sabbatical leave is eligible to apply.
  2. No later than September 15 of each year, the Academic Faculty Senate Sabbatical Committee shall notify eligible faculty of the application process. An eligibility list, provided by Human Resources, will be distributed with this notification.
  3. It is recommended that all applicants meet with their chair or supervisor to discuss the proposal and its budgetary and staffing implications at least two weeks before submitting the proposal.
  4. The faculty member will submit three copies of a written sabbatical leave proposal to the committee by the date specified in the announcement for applications.
  5. Sabbaticals may be awarded for one semester at no reduction in salary, or for one academic year at 2/3 salary.

Section 3: Process

  1. The committee will use three major criteria when considering sabbatical applications:
    1. The merits of the proposal. The proposal should include the following characteristics: supports the overall mission of the college; enhances the ability of the applicant to perform their duties at the college; and has a positive impact on the college and the student community.
    2. The proposal demonstrates commitment to professional development and growth.
    3. Service to the college, over and above the faculty members primary educational or support function. A history of substantive contributions to the college, such as committee work, advisor positions, etc., where properly documented, will strengthen the application.
  2. All deliberations shall remain confidential. The committee will review all applications in detail. At the discretion of the committee, faculty may be invited to defend their proposals.
  3. An alternate recipient shall be selected in case a faculty member is unable to fulfill the proposed project.
  4. The committee chair will report the committee recommendations to the Academic Faculty Senate no later than the December senate meeting.
  5. The committee will forward the final sabbatical leave recommendations to the Office of the President. The ultimate responsibility for awarding sabbaticals rests with the president.

Section 4: Standards

  1. The recipient is to make every effort to accomplish the tasks as defined in the proposal by the end of the sabbatical leave.
  2. A written report shall be submitted to the Sabbatical Committee and the Office of the President within three months of return from leave. A copy of the report shall also be given to the recipients Academic Director or supervisor.
  3. The committee shall deposit a copy of the sabbatical leave applications, committee recommendations, and the recipients written report in the WNC Library archives.
  4. Recipients are encouraged to report the results of sabbaticals to the college community. Options may include, but are not limited to, a public lecture or presentation, a website devoted to the project, or a written summation.
  5. Upon completion of the sabbatical leave, the recipient must return to college duties for a period of time at least equal to that of the last contract prior to sabbatical leave.