Policy 3-3-4: Laboratory Protocol in the Sciences
Policy: | Policy 3-3-4: Laboratory Protocol in the Sciences | Date Adopted: | ||
Department: | Instruction | Date(s) Reviewed and/or Revised: |
June 19, 2013; September 2, 2008; May 11, 2004 | |
Contact: | Academic Director of Science, Mathematics & Engineering | |||
Statement: | The following is a list of protocols that faculty, both full-time and part-time, should exercise when teaching and working in laboratories at WNC. This list is developed by the current full-time faculty members of the division and includes all courses in biology, chemistry, clinical lab technician program, geology, and physics where labs are taught. |
Section 1: Protocol Development
- This list of protocols is developed by the current full-time faculty members of the Science Math and Engineering Division.
- This list includes all courses in biology, chemistry, clinical lab technician program, geology, and physics where labs are taught.
Section 2: Laboratory Instructor Responsibilities
- Students MUST be supervised at all times during laboratory by the instructor.
- The responsibility of cleaning up after a laboratory exercise is ultimately the responsibility of the lab instructor whether or not students have been asked to clean up.
- Biological materials, waste, and chemicals to be discarded from the laboratory require that the lab instructor make a written request (Work Order) of the Building and Grounds staff at the specific campus. These materials should be confined in an appropriate manner and properly identified with respect to contents such that they are suitable for pick-up by the WNC Building and Grounds staff for disposal under current local and federal guidelines.
- It shall be a common courtesy that any equipment or materials removed from one lab and transported to another lab be done only after consulting with fellow faculty members in that area, and insuring that all materials and equipment are returned promptly to the lab from which they were taken.
- An unencumbered phone line should be available to the lab instructor at all times during lab hours in case of an emergency with paramedic, fire and police numbers clearly posted by the phone.
- The lab instructor should be sure that safety equipment is available and ready to use in an emergency in each lab. Contact the immediate supervisor (Dean on the Carson Campus, Executive Dean on the Fallon Campus) if the equipment is not present or properly working.
- In the event of an accident, regardless of how minor, the lab instructor MUST file an accident report on appropriate form (see page State of Nevada Personal Injury and Property Loss/Damage Report) the same day and submit it to the line supervisor who is in charge at that particular moment.
- The lab instructor of a particular course should, when purchasing items for use in the lab, consult with fellow faculty members in your subject area (eg., biology or chemistry) that may be using the same account to insure a fair share use of the funds available. All purchases are subject to PRIOR approval of the supervisor or individual who has signature authority over the account.
- The lab instructor shall establish safety guidelines at the initial meeting with their students and will be responsible for insuring such guidelines are unambiguously enforced.
- The lab instructor shall demonstrate the use of emergency equipment at the initial meeting.