Policy: Policy 3-5-4: Repeat Adjustment Request Date Adopted: January 23, 2007  
Department: Academic & Student Affairs Date(s) Reviewed and/or Revised:

September 2, 2008
Contact: Vice President

A student may repeat a course and have only the highest grade counted as part of his/her total grade point average; all grades will remain on the student transcript. Students will not receive duplicate credit for repeated courses unless the course is designated as repeatable for credits.

Students may repeat courses provided they have fulfilled current course prerequisites and met criteria established for courses with selective admissions criteria.

Students may petition to repeat up to 12 credits with an adjustment to the previous grade(s). If approved, the original grade will be reflected as an R for repeat. The R will only be used as a replacement if the repeated course earns a grade higher than the grade originally earned. Repeat adjustment may not be applied to W or AD grades.

A repeat adjustment request must be submitted to Admissions and Records no later than four weeks after the end of the semester in which the course was repeated. If a student requests a repeat adjustment for a course that is designated as repeatable for credit, he/she will not receive additional credits for the repeated course.