Policy: Policy 3-2-5: Students Taking Courses Taught By Immediate Family Members Date Adopted: Oct 24, 2000  
Department: Academic & Student Affairs Date(s) Reviewed and/or Revised:

March 8, 2024; December 28, 2015; September 2, 2008; May 11, 2004
Contact: Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
Statement: To avoid the impression of conflict of interests, faculty should avoid teaching a member of their immediate family.

Section 1: Definition

  1. Immediate family is defined as husband, wife, father, step-father, mother, step-mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, granddaughter, grandson, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle or guardian.

Section 2: Approvals

  1. Any student attempting to take a class taught by an immediate family member should be advised to take a section taught by a non-related faculty member, if such a section exists.
  2. Any student attempting to take a class that is taught by an immediate family member must have prior approval of the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs through the appropriate Academic Director.
  3. If a student is approved to take a class taught by a member of his/her immediate family then the grade for that course must be determined independently. This independent method of grade determination must have the prior approval of the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs through the appropriate Academic Director.