Policy 3-8-2: LMS Application Integration Policy
Policy: | Policy 3-8-2: LMS Application Integration Policy | Date Adopted: | March 8, 2024 |
Department: | Academic and Student Affairs | Date(s) Reviewed and/or Revised: |
Contact: | Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs | ||
Statement: |
This policy acknowledges the occasional need for external applications to be integrated into the College Learning Management System (LMS) and provides guidance to streamline the process in support of faculty teaching objectives and student success. |
1. Application Request Initiation:
- Faculty will request the integration of an external vendor provided application into the College LMS by submitting the request form here to the Instructional Quality and Innovation Committee (IQI Committee) for evaluation and recommendation to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
- All requests for new applications must be submitted to the IQI Committee no later than the eighth week of the semester preceding the intended semester of implementation. This timeline ensures proper evaluation, preparation for seamless integration into the LMS and training of users.
1. Instructional Quality and Innovation Evaluation:
- Requested external applications will be reviewed under the following criteria:
- Accessibility
- Alignment with College Learning Objectives
- Budget Considerations
- User Experience
- Vendor Provided Technical Support
- Responsibility for any user training
- Identification of responsibility for post-integration troubleshooting and problems resolution
- Compatibility with technical infrastructure
- Security and FERPA compliance
- Adherence to College Computing Services Policies
- At the conclusion of the review process a recommendation will be forwarded to the VPASA for approval/disapproval to integrate into the College LMS.
2. Installation into College LMS:
- Upon VPASA approval, IT will integrate the application into the LMS following best practices to ensure stability and security within the LMS.
3. Post-Installation Support and Issue Resolution:
- Following the successful installation of the application, faculty members, as front-line users, will assume responsibilities for submission of tickets to vendors for technical support. Instructional Innovation and IT staff will be available for support if the vendor support process does not resolve the issue.
4. Ongoing Evaluation:
- By no later than January 31st of each year, Instructional Innovation will review all external applications currently integrated in Canvas and submit a report to the IQI
- The review of external applications in the LMS will focus on:
- Usage levels
- Reported user experience
- Technical problems experienced
- Vendor support and problem resolution
- Following review by the IQI, the report will be submitted to the VPASA with recommendations to retain or delete the applications.
5. Documentation:
- Proper documentation of the application request, approvals, evaluations, and installation procedures will be maintained for reference and auditing purposes by Digital Campus and Technology.
6. Exception Handling
- At the discretion of the Vice President Academic and Student Affairs, in exceptional cases where immediate installation is required due to time-sensitive academic needs, the institution may consider expedited approval processes while ensuring compliance with accessibility and security standards and maintaining quality control.
Implementation and Review
- This policy will be effective immediately upon approval and communicated to all faculty members, relevant committees, and IT personnel. Training and guidance will be provided to ensure faculty members understand and follow the prescribed application request approval process.
- Review and Revision: This policy will be subject to periodic review to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with institutional Any necessary revisions will be made in consultation with relevant stakeholders.