Policy: Policy 4-5-1-7: Emeritus Status Date Adopted:    
Department: Human Resources Date(s) Reviewed and/or Revised:

November 24, 2020; December 10, 2013; September 2, 2008; December 20, 2005; May 11, 2004; January 1, 1998
Contact: Director of Human Resources
Statement: It shall be the policy of WNC to evaluate each request for recommending to the Board of Regents emeritus status for a retiring faculty member based upon an established set of standards outlined herein.

Section 1: Definition

  1. Faculty member, for this policy, means both academic and administrative faculty. It does not include employees on letters of appointment.

Section 2: Application

  1. A WNC faculty member may request emeritus status by completing the WNC Emeriti Application Form and submitting it to the human resources office.
  2. Upon receipt of the application, the human resources office will verify the faculty members eligibility for emeritus status.
  3. If the faculty member is eligible, the application and awarding of emeritus status will be considered following the established process.
  4. Applications received after April 15th will be considered during the next academic year.

Section 3: Process

  1. As soon as possible after April 15th of each academic year, the human resources office will notify the college president, the Presidents Executive Assistant, the chair of the Academic Faculty Senate, and the chair of the Administrative Faculty Senate of the eligible applicants.
  2. There shall be one emeritus committee who will consider applications submitted prior to April 15th of each academic year. Appointment shall be as follows:
    1. College president: One (1) appointment
    2. Academic Faculty Senate: shall recommend four (4) appointments; three (3) of which will consist of the members of the Academic Faculty Senate Sabbatical Committee.
    3. Administrative Faculty Senate: shall recommend two (2) appointments.
  3. The college president shall make appointments from those names recommended.
  4. The college president shall appoint the temporary chair of the Committee, who will call the first meeting. At that meeting, committee members shall elect the chair.
  5. The committee may request materials from the employees supervisor, or any WNC office.
  6. The committee shall use the established standards for determining its recommendation.
  7. The committees recommendation shall be forwarded to the college president for review no later than May 5th of each academic year.
  8. The committees discussions will remain confidential.

Section 4: Eligibility

  1. The employee must have been employed at WNC for at least 10 years. The 10 years of service may include: intermittent employment at WNC, time in classified positions, and less than full-time service. The committee may consider experience at another NSHE institution.
  2. The employee must be officially retiring from an academic or administrative faculty position at WNC.
  3. The employee must have a distinguished history of service to WNC.

Section 5: Standards

  1. The committee may consider any or all of the following when when determining its recommendations:
  2. The committee will use all available information in evaluating the applicant for recommendation to the college president.

Section 6: Benefits

  1. A person granted the title Emeritus/Emerita is considered to have lifetime status as a WNC employee.
  2. Emeritus faculty and professional staff, their spouses and financially dependent children are eligible for grant-in-aid privileges equivalent to those provided pursuant to Title 4, Chapter 3, Section 11 and 12.
  3. Emeritus faculty are eligible to participate in certain departmental and college events to include WNC commencement.
  4. Emeritus faculty are eligible for WNC business cards, listing in the WNC directory, a WNC email account, a WNC identification card, event tickets and fitness center membership at employee rates, library privileges, and other rights and privileges as WNC may from time to time identify.
  5. Inclusion on mailing lists for performances, lecture series, and other college events.