Policy 4-5-1-1: Recruitment and Interview Expense
Policy: | Policy 4-5-1-1: Recruitment and Interview Expense | Date Adopted: | May 1, 1989 | |
Department: | Human Resources | Date(s) Reviewed and/or Revised: |
November 4, 2022; Sep 10, 2013; September 2, 2008; December 1, 2007; May 11, 2004; April 1, 1996 | |
Contact: | Director of Human Resources | |||
Statement: | This policy outlines the candidate reimbursement process for professional position searches. |
Section 1: Recruitment for State Funded Positions
- Recruitment for WNC professional full-time (.50 FTE or above) positions shall follow
Hiring Academic and Administrative Faculty in the WNC Policy and Procedures Manual.
Reference checks must be completed before inviting a candidate to campus for an interview.
- The WNC Interview and Recruiting Account will pay for
- position announcements in the local area and on job posting websites depending on the needs as identified by the Human Resources office.
- The hiring department will be responsible for paying for advertisement beyond what is identified as a need by the Human Resources office.
- The WNC Interview and Recruiting Account will pay for
Section 2: Interviewing Expenses for State Funded Positions
- The screening committee will follow the guidelines in Hiring Academic and Administrative
Faculty in the WNC Policy and Procedures Manual for interviewing candidates for professional
- The hiring department will be responsible for completing all travel claims submitted with all required receipts.
- The travel expenses will be paid to the interviewees from the Interview and Recruiting
Account with the following guidelines:
- The applicant may be reimbursed for traveling expenses in accordance with State Travel Regulations and WNC policy; limited to three applicants per search but additional applicants may be added at the discretion of the President.
- Travel expenses will not be paid to interviewees living within a 75-mile radius of the interviewing campus.
- Guidelines for Travel Reimbursement
Description | Reimbursement Policy | Additional Requirements |
Airfare | Actual cost in to RNO (coach/economy class only) | Receipts required |
Mileage in lieu of Airfare | Actual miles at the full state approved rate, up to the cost of airfare | Attachment with Mapquest or Google Maps detail required
Attachment with cost of lowest class airfare (coach/economy class only) from airline website for actual travel dates and actual destinations required |
Hotel | Actual cost per day (2 days maximum) up to GSA limits see Notes below | Receipts required |
Auto Rental | Actual cost per day (2 days maximum) for economy or lower level rental. | Receipts required |
Taxi or Rideshare | Actual cost per day (2 days maximum) to and from the airport (RNO), hotel, campus, and dining (3 times per day maximum) up to the cost of auto rental per day. | Receipts required
Attachment with cost of economy car rental from rental website for actual travel dates and actual destinations required |
Parking | Actual cost up to $20.00 per day (2 days maximum) | Receipts required |
Meals | GSA per diem amounts according to the breakdown of meals & incidentals (2 day maximum) see Note below | None |
Notes | Federal rates published by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), determine reimbursement rates for hotel and per diem rates (see www.gsa.gov). |
Section 3: Expenses for Grant Funded Positions and Non-State Funded Positions
- Professional grant funded and non-state funded positions (.50 FTE or above) shall
be recruited following Hiring Academic and Administrative Faculty in the WNC Policy
and Procedures Manual and following the above guidelines.
- The hiring department is responsible for all travel reimbursement expenses.
- If there are no funds allocated for travel reimbursement, , another funding source must be identified prior to the search initiation.
- The Interviewing and Recruitment Account will pay for position announcements depending upon needs as identified by the Human Resources office.
Section 4: Discretion of the President
- Exceptions to this policy may be approved at the discretion of the President or the Presidents designee.