Policy: Policy 8-2-3: Network Policy Date Adopted: February 20, 2007
Department: Computing Services Date(s) Reviewed and/or Revised:

December 8, 2023; November 1, 2016; September 2, 2008
Contact: Director
Statement: This policy outlines the standards for the use of Western Nevada Colleges network resources. It is designed to ensure the efficient and secure operation of the network while promoting responsible and ethical use of these resources.

Section 1: Use of the Network

  1. The network installed in Western Nevada College is used to transmit digital, telephonic (VOIP), and video data to and through all campus locations. The WNC data networks are connected through a Wide Area Network called the NevadaNet. Information on the NevadaNet is contained in the following policy:
    NevadaNet Acceptable Use Policy
  2. The initial point of contact for problems related to the NevadaNet is WNC Computing Services.
  3. Network connectivity via an installed data drop is authorized for college-owned equipment only. A new data drop or a change to an existing connection on the wired infrastructure will be coordinated through Computing Services.

Section 2: Wired Network

  1. Production Network
    1. This network is used to connect devices used by staff, faculty and students, i.e., workstations, file servers, printers and support devices together, for use on a common college network. Network connectivity via an installed data drop is authorized only for college-owned equipment.

Section 3: Wireless Network

  1. The wireless network is not intended to be a direct replacement for the wired infrastructure
  2. The wireless network is installed for use by WNC students, guests, and WNC faculty and staff. The wireless network provides access to the Internet only and will not provide a direct access to the services contained on other college networks.
  3. Locations within WNC that use the wireless technology are:
    1. Carson
    2. Hightech Center (Carson)
    3. Douglas
    4. Fallon

Section 4: Security of the WNC network

  1. Physical
    1. All network devices and support hardware must be protected from public access by a physical barrier. A locked door, fencing or locked cabinet will serve as an acceptable physical barrier.
  2. Authentication
    1. Access to all devices on the wired and wireless network require authentication, i.e., name and password. The exceptions to this are printers and peripheral devices that contain no data, i.e., door control card access readers.
  3. Access control
    1. Access to the network infrastructure is controlled physically and digitally by UNR.