Policy 6-3-1: Construction Management Process
Policy: | Policy 6-3-1: Construction Management Process | Date Adopted: | September 23, 2003 | |
Department: | Facilities Planning & Management | Date(s) Reviewed and/or Revised: |
September 2, 2008 | |
Contact: | Director | |||
Statement: | It will be the responsibility of the Facilities Management and Planning Department to respond to the needs of departments at Western Nevada College (WNC) and work with the State Public Works Board of Nevada (SPWB) to: |
Section 1: Define the Scope and Budget of Planned Projects
- Facilities Management will work with other departments to determine their needs, wants and desires then assist in defining the scope and budgetary requirements of all proposed projects and any possible funding sources.
- Projects will be reviewed and approved by the Facilities Committee. This will be done in accordance with the NSHE Purchasing Policies and Procedures.
Section 2: Request Delegation of Authority for Projects that May Be Managed In- House
- Facilities will write a letter requesting Delegation of Authority for projects they feel they have the expertise and resources to manage in house.
Section 3: Assist in the Selection of the Architectural Firm if Project Scope Requires
- If warranted by the size and or complexity of the proposed project Facilities Management and Planning staff would work to select an architectural firm to design the project, with or without the assistance of the Nevada State Public Works Board Staff.
Section 4: Work With Architect and/or SPWB to Develop Conceptual Designs of New Project
- Facilities Management staff will work with the architect to develop the conceptual design into a buildable design for construction, which fits within the established budget.
Section 5: Refine the Conceptual Design to Meet the Current and Future Needs of WNC
- Further refine the design to provide a complete set of building plans, blueprints and the construction documents necessary to put the proposed project out to bid.
Section 6: Monitor Construction Budget to Avoid Unexpected Cost Overruns
- Monitor the construction budget and progress to insure that the project is staying on track and that the budget will be sufficient to continue through to project completion, and warn all affected parties as soon as possible of impending shortfalls.
Section 7: Act as Liaison Between WNC and SPWB Staff
- Coordinate all activities between Western Nevada College and the State Public Works Board Staff to keep all parties aware of the requirements of all other parties.
Section 8: Oversee Construction to Insure the Best Interests of WNC Are Maintained
- Oversee the construction project to insure that all proposed changes to the project are in the best interest of Western Nevada College, now and well into the future.
Section 9: Insure Accuracy of As Built Drawings or Future Use
- Insure that all parties maintain current As Built drawings so that each deviation from construction plans, blueprints and documents is properly documented for future reference for maintenance, remodels and additions.
Section 10: Coordinate With Contractor to Insure Least Amount of Negative Impact to WNC Students
- Meet regularly with construction foreman or superintendent to insure that the negative impact to students, faculty and staff is kept to an absolute minimum.
Section 11: Advise Affected Departments of Progress of Project for Smooth Transition
- Keep all affected departments advised of progress of the project so that they can make the necessary adjustments in a timely manor to facilitate a smooth transition to the new facilities.
Section 12: Act As the Hub of the Communication Process for All Interested Parties
- Keep the State Public Works Board, Architectural Firm, Using Department(s), and all other affected parties, current with the status of the project and the needs and wants of WNC, the Using Department(s), and the Facilities Maintenance requirements, to eliminate any last minute surprises and confusion and to insure the satisfaction of the using department with the final results.
- This will be done prior to the design phase, throughout the entire construction or remodel project, and after completion to identify what worked and what didnt for future projects.
Section 13: Coordinate the Move-in of Departments for Least Amount of Disruption
- Coordinate the moving in of departments in such a way as to cause the least amount of disruption to students, facility, staff and programs. Preferably these moves should occur during breaks, so as to have no negative impact on students or their studies.
Section 14: Remodel Reassigned Vacated Space to Other Departments & Functions as Required
- Plan the remodeling of reassigned vacated spaces to the best use of Western Nevada College, to meet our goals now and well into the future in accordance with the WNC mission statement.
Section 15: Monitor Area Around Construction Site to Insure Safety of Students, Staff and Facilities
- Keep a constant vigil to insure that all work within and around the construction site is done in the safest manner, that the areas around the site and where materials are stored are kept neat and all materials are stacked safely, all open trenches are covered or fenced off, and all other safety concerns are properly dealt with in a prompt manner.
NSHE Code(s) | NRS Code(s) | 034.396 | NAC Code(s) | ||
Code Statement | NSHE Board of Regents' Meeting Minutes: 1/66; 4/72; 1/74; 4/82; 10/85; 10/91; 8/02 | ||||
References *Please note: that not all WNC Policies will be referenced in these documents. |
WNC ByLaws NSHE Board of Regents Handbook Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) |