Policy: Policy 7-2-1-1: Student Team or Group Travel Date Adopted: May 17, 2005  
Department: Controller's Office Contact:

March 8, 2024; April 4, 2019; September 2, 2008
Contact: Controller
Statement: All WNC travel is governed by the State Administrative Manual (SAM) and the WNC Travel Manual.

Section 1: Definition

  1. Team travel is defined as any student group, such as a team, ASWN, recognized club, or class affiliated with and sponsored by the college, traveling to an activity or event directly related to a college recognized function or directly related to a clubs purpose as stated in their club constitution.

Section 2: Allowable Travel and Approval

  1. At least thirty working days prior to the first date of travel, a Team Travel Request Form must be submitted to the Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs for team, club and academic travel requests. The request must specify:
    1. The purpose of the trip and a justification of how it directly relates to the purpose of the team, clubs purpose as stated in their constitution, and/or to the academic class, for a purpose other than entertainment.
    2. A travel budget, including which account(s) are to be used for funding and the responsible employee (excluding student employees) who will assume responsibility for the payment and reporting of all expenses associated with the trip;
    3. A roster of all travelers and each travelers affiliation with WNC (i.e. student, advisor, coach, etc.) and the responsible employee (excluding student employees) who will travel with the student group.
  2. For student club travel, in general, the cost of travel per student (based on college funds) should not exceed more than what is listed in ASWN policies and procedures, excluding travel for a sports club to participate in a sports competition. Exceptions can be made by the Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs.
  3. A college employee or approved individual (excluding student employees) must travel with the student group/team/club. Exceptions must be approved by the Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs.
  4. A signed Student Waiver, Release and Indemnification Agreement for each student participant must accompany the Team Travel Request Form. Student waivers can be found on the Controller's Office website.
  5. The request will be reviewed to determine the appropriateness of the purpose of the travel and for safe lodging of the participants. The request must be approved by the Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs before any further action is taken.

Section 3: Reimbursable Expenses

  1. Reimbursements for team travel are dependent on the needs and circumstances of each trip. The maximum reimbursements are those approved in the travel section in the WNC Policy Manual (WNC Policy 7-2-1). Team travel reimbursements may be less. All spend authorizations must be accompanied by the approved team travel request form, student waivers, and any additional details pertaining to the travel.

Section 4: Submission of Expense Reports

  1. Upon completion of the trip, an expense report needs to be submitted in the system within fifteen working days. Please refer to the main travel policy for further information: WNC Policy 7-2-1.

Section 5: Method of Transportation

  1. The method of transportation must be the most economical available. Charter planes are not allowed. College employees and students may use State motor pool and college-owned vehicles for travel sponsored by the college, as well as contracted types of commercial transportation. Please refer to the main travel policy for further information: WNC Policy 7-2-1.

Section 6: Alcoholic Beverages

  1. The purchase of alcoholic beverages shall not be included in the travel budget for any trip or part of the reimbursement.