Policy: Policy 11-3-16: Volunteers in State Service Date Adopted: September 15, 1985  
Department: Environmental Health & Safety Date(s) Reviewed and/or Revised:

February 7, 2025; September 2, 2008; May 11, 2004
Contact: EH&S Coordinator
Statement: NRS 616.130 requires volunteers to receive workers compensation coverage while engaging in the performance of those services set forth in the "description of volunteer duties".

Section 1: Use of Volunteers

  1. The volunteer agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be governed by and construed according to, the laws of the State of Nevada and adjudicated in Nevada district courts.
  2. Volunteers are covered by the Workers Compensation Insurance Program.
  3. Volunteers must be properly recruited and screened.
  4. Volunteers must formally complete all NSHE forms and agreements and follow the process for engaging. This includes the completion of forms by the engaging department.
  5. The engaging department is responsible for training and assuring that the individual receives a safety orientation and other required periodic safety training pursuant to their duties.
  6. Volunteer services can be terminated with or without cause or notice at the discretion of either party.

NSHE Code(s)   NRS Code(s) 616A.130 NAC Code(s)  
Code Statement  
*Please note: that not all WNC Policies will be referenced in these documents.
WNC ByLaws
NSHE Board of Regents Handbook
Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS)
Nevada Administrative Code (NAC)