Policy: Policy 7-5-5: Institutional Student Fee Policy Date Adopted: Apr 10, 2009
Department: Finance & Administration Contact: Chief Financial Officer
Statement: Assessing, expending, and adjusting student fees.

Section 1: General Conditions and Applicability

  1. In addition to regular tuition and student fees, fees may be assessed to students for lecture and laboratory classes and other student fees. This includes the following fees:
    1. Student Fees (See NSHE Procedures & Guidelines, Chapter 7)
    2. Special Course Fees (See NSHE Procedures & Guidelines, Chapter 7)
    3. Technology Fee-Regular (See NSHE Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 10, Section 16)
    4. Technology Fee-iNtegrate (See NSHE Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 10, Section 17)
  2. Fees assessed to students must be approved in advance, and if relevant, identified in the schedule of classes.
  3. Student and Special Course Fees are reviewed annually and if changed, approved in the manner outlined below.
  4. Not charging an approved fee is possible if alternative funding becomes available.
  5. This policy applies to courses for which regular tuition is charged, and is not intended to control course fees charged for distance education, workforce services, or other self-support classes.
  6. The appropriate director, dean, and/or vice president monitors expenditures and balances from fee accounts. College oversight of fee balances will be the responsibility of the Chief Financial Officer. As warranted, fee adjustments, including reductions, may be implemented.

Section 2: Definition and Use of Course Fee Revenue

  1. Course fees are designed to cover costs included in the fee justification and consistent with Board of Regents policies governing that type of fee (i.e., course fees equipment maintenance and replacement, consumable materials and supplies, field trips, applied music, clinical practice, etc.).
  2. Course fees may be assessed to support projects that result in items retained by students (e.g., materials for a millwork or art project).
  3. The amount of a course fee must be based on anticipated expenditures incurred on behalf of students or the service covered. Fees should cover only these expenditures, and fee amounts must not be approved to create excess revenues. Fund balances in the fee accounts will be monitored by the appropriate deans and/or vice presidents offices, and examined periodically to ensure that revenues are approximately equal to expenditures for approved expenditures.

Section 3: Student or Special Course Fee Adjustments and Approvals

  1. Prior to submitting a proposal for a fee or a fee change, the appropriate academic director will review the justification for the fee. The results of the review will be part of the proposal.
  2. Proposals for all new fees, changes in existing fees, and/or deletion of fees must be submitted in writing to the appropriate academic director and vice president on the fee request form. The request must include rationale and justification, explanation of how the amount of the fee was determined; the date of implementation or deletion; and the recommended amount of the fee. The request form, with approvals, is submitted to College Council for review and recommendation.
  3. Recommendations of the College Council are forwarded to the President for final action by the first week of October. Unless otherwise approved, fee changes are effective the subsequent July.
  4. No fee may be imposed without the Presidents approval, and if more than $50, not without Board approval.
  5. For new courses offered with a course fee of $50 or less, temporary approval may be authorized by the President for a period not to exceed one year.
  6. The Controller's Office, in conjunction with Admissions & Records, is responsible for listing the correct, approved fees on college publications website and in PeopleSoft.

Section 4: Disclosure Requirements

  1. The official listing of the approved student and special course fees is maintained in the office of the Chief Financial Officer.

Section 5: Review of Fees and Expenditures

  1. During September of each year, the Chief Financial Officer will provide a copy of the student and special course fee master list to each academic director or responsible party. The area or individual responsible for the fee will review fee account fund balances. Further, the amount of the fee, the account to which fees are posted, and the expenditures from the fee accounts will be reviewed. Any adjustments will be initiated from this review by the director, dean and/or responsible party, including decreasing or eliminating the fee.

Section 6: Definition and Use of Technology Fee-Regular 

  1. Funds generated by the Technology Fee-Regular must be used directly for the betterment of the students educational experience. Funds may be used for any technology-related expenditure, including, but not limited to equipment, associated software and licensing, Internet and Web-related support, user services/help desk support, lab support, lab coordinators and assistants, electronic library media, enhanced instructional technology for classrooms and labs, and distance education/interactive video equipment and facilitators.
  2. Approval.  The use of these fees requires approval of the institutional business officer. 
  3. Reporting.  Institutions will report annually to the Board on the use of the Technology Fee in a reporting template provided by the Vice Chancellor for Budget and Finance.
  4. Technology Fee requests are submitted to the Budget Committee by completing a Budget Resource Request.
  5. The Technology Committee reviews all funding requests using to the following criteria:
    1. Does request fall under criteria for student technology fee funding as stated by the Board of Regents Handbook?
    2. Does request directly apply to the betterment of students educational experience?
    3. How is the cost of the item(s) justified?
    4. What is the number of students/classes/programs affected?
    5. How urgent is the need? (e.g., this month, this semester, next semester, necessary to complete a project, etc.)
    6. Availability of ongoing/supporting costs for the life cycle of the technology
    7. Proposals will be prioritized based upon need when Technology Fee funds are limited.

Section 7: Definition and Use of Technology Fee-iNtegrate 

  1. Funds generated by the Technology Fee-iNtegrate must be used directly to support the development  of a system wide information system. Funds may be used for the implementation of the iNtegrate Projects, including but not limited to support for functional and technical staff, technology costs, and costs for communication devices.  Each institution shall report annually the funds generated and expenditures associated with the fee to the Board of Regents.  Upon completion of the iNtegrate Project, the Board of Regents shall review the use of the Technology Fee – iNtegrate.
  2. Approval.  The use of these fees requires approval of the institutional business officer.
  3. Reporting.  Institutions will report annually to the Board on the use of the Technology Fee – iNtegrate in a reporting template provided by the Vice Chancellor for Budget and Finance.

Section 8: Files/Forms

  1. Institutional Student Fee Change Request

Date(s) Revised May 3, 2024; February 12, 2013; Date(s) Reviewed