Budget Committee
WNC Budget Committee
The purpose of the Budget Committee is to serve as an oversight committee whose charge is to develop, implement and evaluate a college-wide participatory budget process.
Charge (Mission & Values)
The mission of the Budget Committee is to serve as an oversight committee whose charge is to develop, implement and evaluate a college-wide participatory budget process that supports and encourages a fair and equitable distribution of college funds in accordance with the mission of the college. All committee recommendations are made to the college President.
Committee Goals
- Provide support to the Budgetary Process
- Review current FY Budget Projections and make recommendations to the Administration
- Subcommittee review of staff development requests, college grant applications and reporting on capital improvement projects
Membership |
Term Ending |
CFO - Coral Lopez |
Standing - Operational Oversight |
Budget Director - Casey Otto |
Standing - Chair |
Jayna Conkey |
Academic Faculty/Term ends 2026 |
Thomas Herring | Academic Faculty/Term ends 2025 |
Katy Edmunds |
Classified Staff/Term ends 2025 |
Natasha Anderson | Classified Staff/Term ends 2025 |
Shannon Council |
Administrative Faculty/Term ends 2026 |
Kyle Kelly |
Administrative Faculty/Term ends 2026 |
Randy Miller |
Standing - Media Services |
Jim Feser |
Standing - CIP/Facilities Director |
Troy Wadsworth |
Standing - Tech Fee/Computing Services Director |
Heather Rikalo |
Standing - College Staff Development |
Student ASWN Rep |
The committee is composed of twelve members. The members serve on the committee for a two year term. The members include: Academic Faculty(2), Administrative Faculty(2), Classified Personnel(2), Student Representative. Standing members include: Budget Director, Computing Services Director(or designee), Media Technology Manager, Facilities Director(or designee), Chief Financial Officer(ex officio)
Membership shall include:
The membership of the committee is ideally composed of two members from each of the
following four WNC constituency areas: Academic Faculty, Administrative Faculty, Classified
Personnel, and Students. The college’s Budget Director, Computing Services Director
or designee, Media Technology Manager, and Facilities Director or designee shall serve
as standing members of the committee and the Chief Financial Officer serves as ex
B. Committee memberships may fluctuate due to external constraints, e.g., funding
reductions for personnel, etc.
C. The president of WNC formally appoints members to all college-wide committees from
the annual volunteer list.
D. Committee members serve staggered two-year terms starting/ending in May after the
spring appointments or immediately upon interim appointments. Committee members may
serve more than one term.
E. Committee members are expected to contribute to the process and obligations of
F. A committee member who misses three meetings in an academic year without an excused
absence is subject to recall by the committee.
G. If a committee member is unable to serve out the full term, the President will
appoint a
replacement member within thirty working days of the individual’s resignation. If
requested by the president, the committee will assist in recruiting new members to
replace outgoing members.
The committee’s officers include:
Chair - is elected annually during the May meeting (or upon vacancy) from the committee
membership by a majority vote. Duties include:
1. Establishing a meeting schedule for the committee;
2. Presiding at meetings of the committee;
3. Sending out an agenda for the meeting, ideally three days prior to the meeting;
4. Communicating with the Executive Cabinet regarding recommendations by the
5. Submitting the committee’s annual goals and year-end reports to the College Council
by October 1st;
6. Serving as a tiebreaker for all votes taken by the committee requiring a majority;
7. Initiating and sending out communications to the committee managing the email voting
8. Sending timely notifications of Budget Committee recommendations to the Chief
Financial Officer;
9. Advising the Budget Committee membership and the staff who requested funding
approvals (through the Budget Resource Request form) of the final funding
approvals/disapprovals of committee recommended items, upon notice by the Chief
Financial Officer; and
10. Serving as liaison between the committee and the College Council and/or other
Vice Chair - is elected annually during the May meeting (or upon vacancy) from the committee
membership by a majority vote. The vice chair shall:
1. Perform all of the duties of the committee chair in his/her absence; and
2. Prepare the committee’s annual goals and year-end reports for issuance to College
Council by October 1st.
Recorder/Web Liaison - is elected annually during the May meeting (or upon vacancy) from the committee
membership by a majority vote. The recorder/web liaison shall:
1. Maintain a record of all matters considered;
2. Transmit such records in a timely manner to committee members;
3. Place the agenda on the committee website prior to meetings; and
4. Maintain the committee website showing the bylaws, agendas, minutes from meetings,
and Budget Resource Request activity reports.
Due to the requirement for the Budget Committee to respond to submitted Budget Resource
Requests monthly throughout the year, including academic breaks, the following assignmentn
restriction shall apply:
1. No two academic faculty members may fill both the Chair and Vice Chair Officer
assignments simultaneously.
- College Staff Development
College Staff Development Guidelines
College Staff Development Application
College Staff Development Project Report
- Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)
- Grants Review
Contact Us
President's Office
Bristlecone Building, Room 140
2201 West College Parkway, Carson City, NV 89703
Tracy Mendibles