Accreditation Committee

Purpose and Charge

The mission of the Accreditation Committee is to support activities directed toward meeting the regional accreditation standards.

The Accreditation Committee will accomplish this by:

• Developing and proposing the implementation of policies and procedures to allow WNC to meet regional accreditation standards.

• Preparing internal reports that provide feedback to College Council and other responsible parties (e.g., committees, departments, etc.) about how well they are meeting standards.

• Providing oversight, coordination, and drafting of all reports submitted to the regional accrediting association.

For more information on WNC's regional accreditation by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), please visit the Accreditation page


Committee Goals

Accreditation Committee Annual Goals (2022-2023)

Accreditation Annual Goals Assessment 22-23

Committee Chair: Geri Pope, Accreditation and Curriculem Management



Minimum of six members representing a cross-section of faculty and staff, students are optional. 

The membership of the committee is ideally composed of 6 to 10 members
who reflect a relevant cross-section of the WNC college community with
training and experience in accreditation and/or evaluation. The membership
numbers and distribution may change based upon year and timing of the
accreditation cycle. The Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) serves as a
standing committee member.

B. Membership may be reduced temporarily due to external constraints, e.g., funding
reductions for personnel, etc.

C. The president of WNC formally appoints members to all college-wide committees
from the annual volunteer list.

D. Committee members serve staggered two-year terms starting in late spring after
April appointments. Committee members may serve more than one term.

E. Committee members are expected to contribute to the activities and goal
attainment of the committee.

F. Attendance at committee meetings is required. Any committee member who misses
three unexcused meetings in an academic year is subject to recall by the

G. If a committee member is unable to serve out the full term, the college president will
appoint a replacement member within thirty working days of the individual’s
resignation. If requested by the president, the committee will assist in recruiting new

For 2023-24 Academic Year: Dana Ryan, VPASA (oversight), Geri Pope (chair), Coral Lopez, Deborah Ingraffia-Strong, JW Lazzari, Kim DesRoches, Scott Morrison, Timothy Mayo, and Patrick Bell.

Committee Bylaws

Accreditation Committee Bylaws