Policy: Policy 4-1-5: Jury Duty Date Adopted:    
Department: Human Resources Date(s) Reviewed and/or Revised:

December 8, 2023; September 2, 2008; May 11, 2004
Contact: Human Resources
Statement: Judicial leave will be granted to serve on a jury or when summoned to be a witness.

Section 1: Regulations

  1. Regulations concerning civil leave including jury duty, witness summons and other judicial leave are covered for the following:
    1. Classified Personnel Rules for State Personnel Administration NAC 284.582
    2. Professional Staff NSHE Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Codification of Board Policy Statements, Chapter 3, Section 23, Judicial Leave.

NSHE Code(s)   NRS Code(s) 284.175; 284.345 NAC Code(s) 284.582
Code Statement  
*Please note: that not all WNC Policies will be referenced in these documents.
WNC ByLaws
NSHE Board of Regents Handbook
Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS)
Nevada Administrative Code (NAC)