Injuries and illness can occur at the College. They can range from minor incidents to life-threatening.
What to Do:
Whenever you observe or are informed of a medical emergency:
- Immediately call 911, notify Environmental Health and Safety at 775-445-3348 and UPDNC (Campus Police) at 775-445-3308. Report that you have a medical emergency at 2201 West College Parkway. Send someone to meet the responders and direct them to your location. If the incident involves blood or other body fluids, ensure that responders are aware of the fact
- Keep the ill or injured person as comfortable as possible while waiting for the officer or medical assistance to respond. Do not move an injured person unless not doing so may cause serious injuries or death
- Administer first aid to the level of your training. Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when rendering first aid where there is a chance of exposure to bodily fluids (blood, vomit, saliva, etc)
- Provide the responding officer and Supervisor with your version of what happened after the ill or injured persons needs are taken care of and the incident has concluded
Contact Us
WNC Environmental Health and Safety
Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator
Reynolds Building, Room 113B
2201 West College Parkway, Carson City, NV 89703