Building Fire
When there is a need for medical assistance or fire equipment, the Fire Department will respond within two to three minutes of being notified.
Campus community members may deal with small, extinguishable fires as long as personal safety is not compromised and he/she is trained in the use of fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers located in the hallways and laboratories may be used for this purpose. However, always remember that personal safety should be your first concern. Never place yourself in a position where the fire is between you and the exit.
No matter how small the fire, always notify the UPDNC (Campus Police). The notification will result in the dispatch of an officer to the scene and the notification of Environmental Health & Safety.
Fire Extinguisher Instructions:
Remember P.A.S.S.
- Pull safety pin from handle
- Aim at the base of the fire
- Squeeze the trigger handle
- Sweep from side to side at base of fire
What to Do:
If a fire occurs in your area:
- Put it out if it is a small, extinguishable fire and you are trained in the use of fire extinguishers. Otherwise, alert all occupants in your area.
- Never allow the fire to come between you and the exit.
- Notify the UPDNC (Campus Police) at ext 3308 or 775- 230-1952 if time allows. If not, evacuate promptly, shutting the door behind you, and pull the fire alarm as you exit the building. Watch for the responding officer and provide information.
- Don't panic if trapped. Use the telephone to notify the UPDNC (Campus Police) ext 3308 or 775- 230-1952 of your location.
- Use the elevator or break windows.
- Return for personal belongings. You may not get a second chance to leave.
Contact Us
WNC Environmental Health and Safety
Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator
Reynolds Building, Room 113B
2201 West College Parkway, Carson City, NV 89703