Western Nevada College News
File Your 2023-24 FAFSA Now
Dec 20, 2022

Students planning to attend WNC in Fall 2023 should begin submitting their 2023-24
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The 2023-2024 FAFSA opened Oct.
1, and financial aid officials are advising students not to delay applying.
The earlier a student submits the application, the better chance the individual has
of receiving financial aid.
“The WNC Financial Aid Office encourages all students to apply early. There are a
number of financial aid programs that award students on a first-come, first-served
basis, and we want students to complete their forms early to qualify for those programs,”
said WNC Director of Financial Assistance JW Lazzari.
By completing your FAFSA closer to the opening filing date, you’ll be able to receive
your Student Aid Report more quickly. With the report in hand, you’ll be able to better
plan for your upcoming academic year, whether that means increasing your scholarship
applications, finding or increasing your employment and/or applying for student loans.
Students who have applied for financial aid in the past have an easier time completing
their 2023-24 FAFSA since some information from previous applications is pre-populated
on their new form. A lost job or a significant change to household income reported
on your federal tax return could lead to a financial aid adjustment. If you are your
family have experienced a significant change in income or other extenuating circumstances,
contact WNC’s Financial Aid Office to discuss your financial situation.
To file a FAFSA application, go to www.studentaid.gov/FAFSA.
WNC Financial Aid staff are available to help students with the application, virtually,
over the phone or in person. Go to wnc.edu/financial, phone 775-445-3264 or email