
The VA administers the Vocational Rehabilitation program for veterans who have incurred or aggravated a service connected disability which entitles them to VA disability compensation; and are in need of vocational rehabilitation because their disability creates an employment handicap.

Entitlement for vocational rehabilitation services is determined on an individual basis following an evaluation of the veterans interests, aptitudes, education, work experience, and vocational abilities.

Step One: Applying for Benefits

Veterans who wish to apply for Vocational Rehabilitation need to apply directly to the VA Regional Office in Reno as this program is administered locally. You can contact the VA directly at 1-800-827-1000 for specific program information. For WNC students who are accepted into the program, the VA Vocational Rehabilitation Office will provide WNC with an Authorization of Entrance/Reentrance into Rehabilitation and Certification of Status (VA Form 28-1905) for each term authorized.

Step Two: School Certification of Attendance

Once the Veterans Services Office receives a VA 28-1905 for a particular student, they will certify that the student is enrolled in a course of study approved by their vocational rehabilitation counselor. Each Student receiving VA educational benefits is required to complete and sign a Veterans Data Form for each term that they are requesting benefits for. This form has the key information necessary to complete the school certification of attendance, and by signing it, the student gives WNC permission to release this information to the Veterans Administration or their appointed agent. The Veterans Data Form is available in the Veterans Services Office, the Fallon Counseling Office or you can download from the WNC website:WNC Veterans Forms