Student Financial Services

Student Accounting/Cashiers Office is responsible for the following:
The Controller's Office provides a system for financial reporting and accountability of all Western Nevada College and college-related funds and is responsible for collection, disbursement and custody of these funds. The Controller's Office provides a number of services including the following:
- Fee Assessment and Collection
- Financial Aid Disbursements (including scholarships, loans, grants) and Refunds
- Collections
- Sponsored/Third Party Billing
How to make a payment?
- The preferred and quickest method is to make your payment using a debit card or credit card by logging in to MyWNC.
- We accept cash, check, or card in-person at our Carson City and Fallon offices.
- Pay over the phone with a card by calling 775-445-4221.
- Payments may also be made by check or money order, made payable to Board of Regents
and mailed to:
- Western Nevada College
Controller's Office
2201 W. College Parkway
Carson City, NV 89703
- Western Nevada College
When are the due dates for my tuition and fees?
- The due dates will be posted in your MyWNC.
- You can also find due dates posted on the college main page, under Dates & Deadlines
How do I set up a payment plan?
Students must sign up for a payment plan and make their first full payment by the payment deadline to avoid penalties.
How To Set Up a Payment Plan InstructionsHow do I retrieve my 1098-T?
Click the button below to download instructions on how to Retrieve your 1098-T.
How To Retrieve my 1098-THow do I sign up for Direct Deposit?
The Controller's Office now offers direct deposit as a more convenient means of providing refunds to students. The advantages of direct deposits are:
- Convenience: no waiting on mail to receive refunds.
- Quick Access: the funds are available within two business days after the transactions have been processed in the Student Accounts.
- Safety: prevents loss or theft of check.
Signing up is easy. Go to MyWNC and in your Student Center, select the Enroll in Direct Deposit link, and enter your account information.
Questions? Contact Us.
Information Desk
2201 West College Parkway, Carson City, NV 89703