WNC Honors Students' Workforce Success at Ceremony Hosted by OWINN

May 6, 2024

Western Nevada College President Dr. J. Kyle Dalpe congratulates a student at the Workforce Success Ceremony on Thursday in WNC’s Joe Dini Library. In the background is Nevada Office of Workforce Innovation Executive Director Scott Hammond.

Western Nevada College President Dr. J. Kyle Dalpe congratulates a student at the Workforce Success Ceremony on Thursday in WNC’s Joe Dini Library. In the background is Nevada Office of Workforce Innovation Executive Director Scott Hammond.

Western Nevada College hosted a ceremony to celebrate students succeeding in training to reestablish themselves in the workforce on Thursday.

Presented by the Nevada Office of Workforce Innovation (OWINN), 25 students were recognized during the Workforce Success Ceremony in Joe Dini Library.

Workforce success ceremony2The Supporting and Advancing Nevada’s Dislocated Individuals (SANDI) grant covers students’ costs for tuition fees and course materials for training and certifications in industry-focused sectors that can be completed in 15 weeks or less. Project SANDI strives to modernize the workforce system, translating skills and experience into credentials and credit-bearing programs to assist dislocated and underemployed workers who lack academic credentials.

Student training is focused in healthcare, computer information technology, automotive mechanics, machining, welding, truck driving and advanced manufacturing. Most of these programs are offered through WNC’s Workforce, Career and Technical Education division and further supported by Western’s Realizing Opportunities for the American Dream to Succeed program and ACCEL College and Career Readiness Program.

WNC President Dr. J. Kyle Dalpe, WNC Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs Dr. Dana Ryan provided welcoming and closing remarks, respectively. OWINN Executive Director Scott Hammond and SANDI Project Manager Tony Villalobos also participated in the ceremony.

“Programs that support students, like Project Sandi, provide pivotal training to dislocated and underemployed workers in our state. We are grateful that we have the programs and accelerated training that can facilitate their return to the workforce, and we are pleased to recognize students who have completed their programs of study,” President Dalpe said.

Students receiving certificates from OWINN included, Jose de Jesus Guzman-Ibarra, Automotive Mechanics; Raymond Leyva, Welding; Sara Woodward, Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA); Andrea Freitas, CNA; Emilee Watson, Emergency Medical Services; Makenna Smiley, CNA; Jose Fausto Hernandez, Automotive Mechanics; Kelsey Edmonson, CNA; Laina Joy Aquino, Nursing; Jacob McDermott, Welding; Noel Mesa, Welding accelerated program; Adriana Mendoza, Nursing) Justin Gardner, Welding; Alba Morales, Nursing; Dawn White, Nursing; Daniel LeRoy McGuinness, Automotive Mechanics; Mariana Alvarez, GBC/Pahrump Project SANDI; James Willis; Ryan Romero, Tesla START; Jesse Butterfield, Mechatronics (Tesla); Jorge Rodriguez, Redwood Battery Basics; David Byers, Tesla START; Alex Jacinto-Torres, Tesla START; Alex Treuel, Tesla START; and Darryl Dixon, Tesla START.

WNC WCTE Director Travis Carr, WNC ROADS Workforce Liaison Kara Spracklin, WNC ACCEL Director Angela Holt and WNC Career Services Specialist Chris Croft presented certificates to students.

To learn more or apply for SANDI scholarship funding at WNC, visit wnc.edu/sandi. For more information about WNC’s ROADS program, visit wnc.edu/ROADS.

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