Western Nevada College News
That’s Right! Rock Sales Pay for Endowed Scholarship for Students in Geosciences
Feb 14, 2025

For nearly a decade, Dr. Kortemeier has been presenting the Rock, Mineral and Fossil Sale in late November or early December to raise money for the student scholarship.
Geosciences Professor Dr. Winnie Kortemeier has always looked at rocks a bit differently than others. The vast collection that she has curated for the college spills outside the geology classroom at Western Nevada College. But for a good cause, she will part with some of them — for a price.
That virtuous purpose — the Rock, Mineral and Fossil fundraiser — has allowed the Geology Club to swap rocks to educate students well into the future.
The sale, which started in 2016, reached a milestone in December when the community showed unprecedented support of the fundraiser. As a result, the Geology Club realized its goal of creating an endowed scholarship for future Geoscience students.
“This is what the college community and the greater community have created,” Dr. Kortemeier said. “I’m just so thankful!”
For nearly a decade, Dr. Kortemeier, who advises the Geology Club, has been presenting the sales in late November or early December to raise money for the scholarship. The community really responded at the most recent sale, which raised over $1,800, enabling the club to reach its $10,000 scholarship goal for an endowment through WNC Foundation.
"We appreciate all that Dr. Kortemeier, the Geology Club, the college community and the Carson City community have done to make this endowment possible. You are all rock stars!" said WNC President Dr. J. Kyle Dalpe.
Those who attended the sale purchased rocks that Dr. Kortemeier and her students collected throughout the West.
“At the first sale back in 2016, we made something like $400, and we were thrilled. And now this year’s $1,800? I was just so surprised and grateful. The sale was so well-attended, and everyone was very giving and generous the whole day. It was fun and energetic, and it really felt like a great community day.”
Dr. Kortemeier is in her 35th year teaching Geology and Geography classes at WNC and wants to provide students with opportunities to explore futures in the profession that has made her so happy.
“I’m hoping the scholarship encourages more students to take an interest in the Geosciences,” she said. “It’s a great career path.”
The rock sales will continue into the future because Dr. Kortemeier would like to assist additional students pursuing their dreams in higher education.
“We can keep adding to the scholarship, and the public can contribute to the endowment. If we had enough money, we could provide two scholarships,” Dr. Kortemeier said.
To make a donation to the Geosciences endowment or to learn more about the WNC Foundation, phone 775-445-3240 or email foundation@wnc.edu.