Eighth-Grader Takes WNC Aviation Ground School Class

Mar 13, 2025

In a remarkable display of academic and extracurricular ambition, eighth-grade student Keagan Craig completed Western Nevada College's (WNC) in person AV 110 Private Pilot Ground School course. 

This dual pursuit not only showcases Craig’s passion for aviation but also highlights the opportunities available for early engagement in higher education through Oasis’ partnership with Western Nevada College.

By completing WNC's AV 110 course, Craig gained comprehensive knowledge of aviation principles, including flight mechanics and safety protocols. This course is a foundational step toward becoming a licensed pilot.

“In the class I learned the basics of flying and how to navigate airports,” Craig said. “My favorite assignments were the weather paper and cross-country project. For the weather paper we learned how to navigate storms, what a storm contains, and how it can affect your flying. In the cross-country project we were given two airports and had to plan a route between the two and discuss how to fly that route.”

WNC's aviation program addresses the national pilot shortage while providing students with a clear pathway to careers in aviation. The unique opportunity has provided Craig a chance to accelerate his educational and professional goals. The first of those being to obtain a pilot’s license.

“I began taking flying lessons a couple of months ago and will continue to add flying hours as I prepare to take the pilot license when I turn sixteen,” he said. “The class allowed me to complete one of the first steps in the process towards a license.”

While he is not sure if flying will be a hobby or career, Craig knows having the skills to fly will open opportunities for his future. 

This remarkable story underscores the potential of early engagement in specialized education and the opportunities available through innovative programs like those offered by Western Nevada College and Oasis Academy.

To learn more about WNC’s Private Pilot Ground School course please contact the Fallon campus at 775-445-3382.

— Story provided by Angela Viera