Western Nevada College News
Free Shipping for All WNC Bookstore Orders
Jan 18, 2023

Students should allow 2-3 business before their order will be delivered.
With Western Nevada College’s spring semester beginning Monday, Jan. 23, it’s paramount for students to complete ordering their textbooks and learning materials as soon as possible.
WNC partners with Textbook Brokers to supply books to its students.
Textbook Brokers has quite a deal for students this semester: Free shipping to their residences and to the Carson City campus.
“We rolled out free shipping on ALL WNC Bookstore orders in December, and as a result we've seen the number of students clicking the free Carson in-person pickup method drop precipitously this semester,” said Mark Mazurowski, Nevada regional manager for Textbook Brokers, noting that 90 percent of students are taking advantage of having their books mailed to their homes.
Place your order at wncbookstore.com and receive free shipping to your residence or the campus pop-up bookstore. Please allow 2-3 business days for delivery to your residence. The WNCbookstore.com website also offers WNC emblematic merchandise and apparel.
If you choose to have your books delivered to the Carson City campus, they can be picked up Thursday, Jan. 19; Friday, Jan. 20; Monday, Jan. 23 or Tuesday, Jan. 24 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Dini 100 in the Student Center.