Support WNC Nursing Students in March

Mar 17, 2025

Nursing students are holding three fundraisers this month, including one that assists them if you attend the Jakota Wass concert on March 28.

Nursing students are holding three fundraisers this month, including one that assists them if you attend the Jakota Wass concert on March 28.

March is fundraising month for nursing students at Western Nevada College, and they have three exciting events planned to support their education and professional development.


A Night of Country Music - March 28, 2025

Enjoy a lively night of country music while supporting the WNC chapter of the National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA) with its fundraiser on March 28. Red Dog Saloon in Virginia City is presenting the Jakota Wass Band with special guest Dutch Carson at 8 p.m. A portion of the proceeds from the event will help nursing students attend the 73rd national convention in Seattle.

Tickets are $50 ($25 for WNC students with a discount code provided by WNC Nursing and Allied Health), To purchase tickets, visit and type "A Night of Country Music" in the search bar.


Chick-fil-A Fundraiser - March 25, 2025

Dine at Chick-fil-A and support WNC’s Second-Year Nursing Club raise money and on Tuesday, March 25, at Chick-fil-A on South Carson Street.From 5 to 7 p.m., the club will receive 10 percent of sales to support club activities.


50/50 Raffle - Drawing held on March 28, 2025

The NSNA is also holding a 50/50 raffle fundraiser this month. Tickets are $5 apiece, 5 for $20 and 30 for $100 and can be purchased by emailing or calling 775-445-4409.

nursing chickfila fundraiser

WNC's Second-Year Nursing Club's benefitted from a fundraiser at Chick-fil-A off of South Carson Street on March 25.