Western Nevada College News
WNC to Celebrate Class of 2023 in Traditional Ceremonies
May 20, 2023

WNC's Class of 2023 will go through traditional ceremonies on May 22 in Carson City and May 25 in Fallon.
For the first time since 2019, Western Nevada College is recognizing its graduates next week with traditional commencement ceremonies.
Commencement 2023 will mark the return of WNC’s Carson City ceremony to Marv Teixeira Pavilion on Monday, May 22 at 10 a.m.
The Fallon ceremony is returning to the popular Barkley Theatre in Oats Park Art Center. Commencement in Fallon is set for 9 a.m. Thursday, May 25, with doors opening at 8 a.m.
“We are pleased to be able to offer our graduates a traditional ceremony in a format that families and the community know so well,” said WNC President Dr. J. Kyle Dalpe. “Because of the safety concerns during the pandemic we offered a drive-through graduation ceremonies over the past three years. However, this year the timing is right to return to our tradition!”
Between the two ceremonies, 500 graduates will be recognized for 529 degrees and Certificates of Achievement. Of these graduates, 114 are Jump Start students who are receiving their associate degree before earning their high school diploma.
For the Carson City ceremony, WNC President Dr. Dalpe will provide opening remarks, present the grads and confer their degrees. Major General Ondra Berry, Nevada State Adjutant for the General Nevada National Guard, will provide the keynote address. Regent Joseph C. Arrascada will present a message from the Board of Regents. ASWN President and 2023 Graduate Suzanna Stankute, WNC Professor Fine Arts Professor Rachel Stiff and WNC Access Program Coordinator Adrian Barrera are scheduled to deliver messages to the graduates.
In Fallon, President Dr. Dalpe will provide opening remarks, present the grads and confer their degrees. WNC Outreach and Academic Adviser Kathryn Whitaker will provide the keynote address and Stankute will speak to the graduating class.
For more information about graduation at WNC, go to wnc.edu/admissions/graduation.