Western Nevada College News
Nursing Graduates Class of 2024 Pinning Ceremony
By pr@wnc.edu | May 27, 2024

Congratulations to the Class of 2024
On Monday evening, May 20, WNC’s Nursing & Allied Health hosted a traditional Pinning Ceremony to honor the nursing class of 2024. A total of fifty-five students graduated from the nursing program this spring. Students awarded during the ceremony include:
Academic Award - Marissa Johnson
Spirit of Nursing Award - Sarah Cherne, Tram Hong, Katie Holley, Theo Wells, Taylor Knowles, and Shalina Ross
Nevada Nurses Association Nurse of Achievement Award - Alba Morales, and Marissa Johnson
ASWN Outstanding Students of Year Award - Mindy Bleeker, Marly Green, and Jennifer Wallace
National Student Nurses Association Outstanding Student Awards - The entire National Student Nurses Association was recognized.
Nurse of Distinction Award - Banner Churchill Community Hospital, Carson Tahoe Health, Carson Valley Health, Northern Nevada Sierra Medical Center, Renown Regional Medical Center, Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center