Watch Livestream of Westerns Grad Ceremonies
Watch Livestream of Westerns Grad Ceremonies
May 21, 2021

Watch Livestream of Western’s Grad Ceremonies
Final preparations are being made for Western Nevada Colleges 50th commencement ceremonies
scheduled for later this month.
Attendance of the Parade of Graduate drive-through ceremonies on May 24 and 25 in
Carson City and May 27 in Fallon is restricted to family and friends of the graduates,
as well as WNC faculty and staff, and dignitaries because of COVID-19 guidelines preventing
large gatherings.
However, the public is invited to watch the ceremonies via livestream on the college
website at, the WNC YouTube channel or on the colleges 2021 commencement page.
The commencement page also contains the 2021 grad program and congratulation videos
to grads from leaders across the state. Access the commencement page at
Viewers can also watch recordings of grad ceremonies on the commencement page.
The May 24 ceremony on the Carson City campus is for Liberal Arts grads receiving
Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees.
The May 25 ceremony on the Carson City campus is primarily for Professional and Applied
Technology, Nursing and Allied Health and General Studies (AB, AAS, BAS and AGS degree)
and Certificate of Achievement recipients.
On May 27, the Fallon ceremony will be for all divisions, degrees and certificate
of achievement recipients.
All three ceremonies begin at 9 a.m.