VFW Auxiliary Creates Scholarship for WNC Veterans
VFW Auxiliary Creates Scholarship for WNC Veterans
Feb 10, 2021

VFW Auxiliary Creates Scholarship for WNC Veterans
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary Post 3726 (Kit Carson) is pleased to provide a $1,000 scholarship for a veteran attending Western Nevada College.
Each year, the auxiliary holds Buddy Poppy drives in which handmade flowers by veterans are sold to raise funds to aid veterans in need. The auxiliary hopes to continue these fundraisers in support of this scholarship in subsequent years.
The community is so supportive of veterans and we are honored to have selected WNC as our partner, said VFW Auxiliary Post 3726 President Lori Bagwell, who also serves as the mayor of Carson City. The local Carson City Auxiliary has 22 members dedicated to serving our veterans.
President Bagwellindicated that the objectives of the auxiliary are to promote a fraternal, patriotic, historical, charitable and educational spirit; and to aid and assist the members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and its members wherever possible.
Selecting a scholarship for a veteran was an easy choice, Bagwell said.
We are grateful to the members of VFW for their thoughtfulness in choosing WNC for this very generous gift, said Executive Director of Advancement for Western Nevada College Niki Gladys.
Bagwellis thankful for the members of her executive board for working so hard to fundraise to create the scholarship:Peggy Green-Wilson, Sue McCune, Suzanne Stephenson and LaNora Clyde.