Congrats to Employees Celebrating July Anniversaries
Congrats to Employees Celebrating July Anniversaries
Jun 27, 2022

Congrats to Employees Celebrating July Anniversaries
Western Nevada College is appreciative of the 16 current employees who are celebrating
employment anniversaries with the Nevada System of Higher Education in July.
Many thanks to these employees for contributing to the success and experiences of
students at WNC!
Four of these employees are celebrating anniversaries in excess of 15 years with NSHE
institution(s): Enrollment and Retention Specialist Elizabeth Best, Disability and
Support Services Director Susan Trist, History Professor Kim DesRoches and ACCEL Director
and HSE Chief Examiner Angela Holt.
WNC wishes to thank you for your continued dedication to Western and all that you
do in your roles with the college!
Employee Years of Service
Elizabeth Best 21
Susan Trist 17
Kim DesRoches 16
Angela Holt 16
Lorraine Plympton 8
Heather Rikalo 8
Lyssa Goldsworthy 8
Piper McCarthy 7
Craig Robinson 6
Pao Lee 6
Anna Lisa Acosta-Rogers 5
Sarai Salas 4
Dana Ryan 3
Page Kirby 3
Adam Anderson 1
James Garaventa 1