Apply for A Career Scholarship and Change Your Life!
Apply for A Career Scholarship and Change Your Life!
Aug 6, 2021

Apply for A Career Scholarship and Change Your Life!

The first graduating class of Western Nevada Colleges Paramedicine Program poses for a group photo following a following a ceremony on Feb. 21 in Carson City. In the back row, from left, are Joshua Adams, Kraig Palmer, Anthony Abaun, Paul White, Jerry Sanchez and front row, from left, Instructor Terry Mendez, Josef Almeida, Melissa Fraguela, Megan Jackson, Sarah Minkle and Heather Midkiff-Alexander. Not pictured is Connor Nicholas. Some of the sStudents from this graduating class received the Pennington Scholarship to help them reach their academic goals.
Do you have the financial means to pursue the career of your choice? Maybe you want
to switch professional careers but cant afford to do so. Perhaps you are out of work
and would like to pursue a new career. Or, maybe, additional training would help you
earn that promotion youve been working toward at your current job. The William N.
Pennington CTE Scholarship allows students to elevate their careers through relevant
education and training.
Because of the generosity of the William N. Pennington Foundation, Western Nevada
College is able to offer scholarship funding to students pursuing meaningful careers
in fields like computer information technology/cybersecurity, welding, automotive,
machine tool technology, manufacturing, construction, truck driving, phlebotomy, nursing
assistant or emergency medical services careers.
Last academic year, Western Nevada College Foundation awarded 120 students a total
of $200,000 through the scholarship. Scholarship recipients have gone on to work for
Click Bond, Bently Nevada, Carson Medical Group, Carson Tahoe Hospital, Banner Churchill
Community Hospital, SMC Construction, Nevada Copper, Black Eagle Consulting Inc.,
Carson City Fire Department, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Tri-State
Fire, REMSA, Fallon Physical Therapy, First Service Residential, Central Lyon County
Fire Protection District, Nevada State Parks, and more.
Many students applied for scholarships to study Emergency Medical Services and Paramedicine.
WNC recently broadened its EMS class offerings of Emergency Medical Technician and
Advanced EMT into a Paramedicine Program so students could train to become paramedics.
Students made the most of the scholarship as 11 graduated in the first Paramedicine
commencement ceremony on Feb. 20 in Carson Nugget Hall. In order to graduate, they
completed nearly 600 hours of didactic and lab coursework, more than 20 hours of hospital
clinic time and nearly 500 hours of field internship.
Relieving the financial burden from students lives helps them make a personalized
career choice that might not have been possible otherwise and provides better opportunities
to find a place in Nevadas workforce. This award helps lift the financial burden I
am faced with while juggling full-time enrollment with full-time work, said Anthony
Pisani, a recent scholarship recipient. I am eager to see what my future holds and
have aspirations of opening my own machine shop one day.
With dedication, hard work and the financial resources, the William N.
Pennington Foundation has generously provided, many employment options with local
employers are now available to these individuals, said WNC Foundation Director Niki
Gladys. Penningtons support has made a tremendous impact on the students, their
families and our community.
To apply for the scholarship, go to The timing to apply for scholarship
funding is ideal since WNCs fall semester begins on Aug. 30. Apply today!
Learn more about what WNC offers academically at or arrange a time to speak
with a counselor at 775-445-3267.