Behavioral Intervention Team
The WNC Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) aims to foster a safe campus environment by providing resources to support students, faculty and staff. BIT helps meet the needs of distressed, distressing and or disruptive students through a network of campus and community resources.
BIT Reporting Form BIT Procedures
- Consultation toward resolution of an immediate problem
- Counseling or advisement through WNC Academic Advsing & Access or Disability Support Services
- On campus safety through University Police Services Northern Comand, UPDNC (WNC Campus Police)
- Resource and referral information
- Wellness information through our Wildcat Wellness webpage
- Academic Difficulty
- Alcohol or drug problems
- Bullying
- Depression
- Family/domestic partner problems
- Stress and anxiety
Student behavior may indicate a need for additional support.
- Appearing troubled or confused
- Arriving late or missing class excessively
- Crying
- Lack of motivation/concentration
- Leaving class early
- Missing assignments/deadlines
- Sleeping in class
- E-mails of excuses
- Outbursts or shouting/frustration
- Complacency, withdrawing from engagement
Student behaviors may be distracting and have a negative impact on the educational experience for other students.
- Cell phone use or sounds
- Challenging authority
- Demanding special treatment
- Displaying dangerous conduct
- Dominating discussions
- Eating/drinking in class
- Verbal/physical threats to others
- Making offensive remarks
- Prolonged chattering
- Shuffling paper in backpacks and notepads
- Talking out of turn
BIT has procedures in place to ensure open communication between campus departments when a behavioral threat has been identified.
- Initial threat assessment
- Consultation toward resolution of an immediate problem
- Clarification of faculty/staff responsibility in distressed student situations
- Resource and referral information
- Strategies and resources for classroom management
- Campus communication and reporting as necessary
- Tips for student intervention
- Student Relations Officer - contact or by phone at 775-580-4355
Tips for Prevention
- Establish clear expectations for classroom behavior
- Identify specific academic guidelines and grading criteria
- Set up means for routine communication, such as email
- Get to know your students
Tips for Possible Intervention
- Address the student directly/privately about your observations or concerns
- Address behavior, not character
- If emotional distress is evident, consider calling or walking student to the Academic Advising & Access office
- Consider non-counseling referrals, such as Academic Skills Center or Veteran Resource Center
- Consult a member of the Behavioral Intervention Team for information & support with the student present
Your expression of concern may provide students the motivation they need to seek needed help or services.